Sunday, July 5, 2009



If you know me well you know that i have had some drama in my life! With friends i hate it! With family i hate it as well. I think God makes all drama for people to grow stronger in God! Sometimes i don't understand why he does certain things but i understand he loves me! & to understand he loves me isn't that enough to live? To know God is there and listening and wanting you every minute all the time! Isn't it enough! to read the Bible and feel him inside you and want to tell everyone about him! Shouldn't you at least give God some time in your day because isn't He the one that created you? i mean we give time for bad music, friends that backstab you, T.V. that makes us feel not as good! God loves you and wants you every single minute! HE MADE US! shouldn't we at least want to talk to him? Shouldn't we at least want to be as close to God as possible? God is our creature and yet me cuss his name, or do everything in our power to disobey him! WHY?


1 comment:

Lori said...

This made me think. Thanks!