Saturday, July 4, 2009


Bree Bree-She's basically my bestie at school! So amazing! She's got the best personality she can always make me laugh even if i am pissed! She's super smart so if i am not understanding something in school i know were to go lol! She hates drama just like me! She is super duper funny and so fun! She's so cute! I love that girl! We have definitely had our fights, but we always stay friends no matter what! She was the one who really the one i can count on to tell a secret to! haha a lot of people i know wont keep anything so there suckas lol! But bree different then all the other girls she is always herself even when people juge her! Which has helped me to be my own person! We are very similar but at the same time opposite! haha love ya girlie! <3

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