Saturday, July 11, 2009

bree bree, beach, and apryll, oh and plus a amazing play!<3333

Bree bree and i hungout on thursday and she spent the night! we took pics and a video which r really cute! you should all check out the pics on fb! :) Ok and then bree and I went to the beach with apryll! The waves were killer CRAZY! But i got tanner yay :) I just need to get more of a tan now! Since i am basically a tone of snow lol! But then apryll spent the night after the beach that was real fun! Courtney my sis had her 2 bff's spending the night to which was interesting..... But anyways apryll and I put on a dance play thing on for them which was really cool! :) and they did this weird acting OK? haha! But then we played this weird came with circus charictures it was kinda stupid! But then we did something fun we played this judging game its kinda like american idol but there r 2 judges and 3 contestants! But then at the end my sis had to ruin it but whatever she does that a lot! I am used to it by now! But now it's a new day and new things!!! :)

how did ur thurs, fri, and sat go?


Savannah said...

Um.. good. I went over Maddie house, and spent the night then had a huge bike ride on friday. Then... Julia cam over at the very end of the night, then I wen tto Operation Night Game with my church. It was pretty fun. Check it out on my blog

Jennalee said...

how funn :)