Saturday, July 25, 2009


so on thursday anna maddie and i went to the beach with the jr.high and high school group but even though we were only there for an hour and a half i had a blast with those 2 amazing girlies<333 But after that we drove in the car for a long time and arrived at maddies house and swam forever loL! I can do a toe touch ok lol..... but anyways then after that we goofed off and had fun... but one of the funniest parts of the sleep over was we TOLIET PAPERED!!! and we got them good... haha! (oh and by the way the sleep over is with the 8th grade girl Bible study WOOT WOOT) but anyways after that we came back watched what a girl wants... then maddie anna and i stayed up until 5:30 or so... I AM SO TIRED!!!! but over all the night was really fun!! :) what did you do on thursday and friday?

<333maddie & anna<333

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