Tuesday, July 21, 2009


why do people gossip? i mean seriously... it's stupid! I do it sometimes (i have been trying real hard not to though) But it's really stupid when you think about it because the only reason people gossip is to build thereselfs up, and make themself look good! So why don't you just say how awesome you are instead of taring some 1 down with words! IT'S STUPID!!!! i mean and it really hurts when people say stuff that is not even true but so mean, i mean even if it's true that doesn't mean you half to say it! They think there better then the person they gossip about, but in reality they just lowered thereself down to the level of the person that there gossiping about! IT'S SAD!!! why do people gossip? UGH! It's so annoying! oh and did i mention it's STUPID! and i hate when people say oh i never gossip i'm not that mean but then you see them gossip like 2 secs after they say that! & what really ticks me off is a person that says i hate when people try to get into my business, and they get into my business SOOOOOOO MUCH! UGH! SO ANNOYING! there issue, if your that pathetic then it's not worth talking to that person! So don't exspect me to answer your texts, calls, e-mails or anything! SHUT UP YOU GOSSIPERS!


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