Tuesday, June 29, 2010

owl city,

"the stars lean down to kiss you and i lie awake and miss you pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere cause I'll doze off safe and soundly but I'll miss your arms around me I'd sent a postcard to you dear cause i wish you were here"
-vanilla twilight

"i wish i could cross my arms and cross your mind cause i believe you'd unfold your paper heart and wear it on your sleeve, all my life i wish i broke mirrors instead of promises cause all i see is a shattered conscience staring right back at me"
-tidal wave

"i will disguise myself as a sleeping pill and descent inside of you, hello Seattle, i am a cold seahorse feeling warm in your sand. I sing about the tide and the ocean surf rolling in the evening breeze."
-hello Seattle

"and cold nights make staying alert so hard, for heaven's sake keep me awake so i won't be caught off guard. Clearly I am a passerby but i'll find a place to stay...Dear pacific day, won't you take me away? small town hearts of the New year brought down by gravity crystal clear"
-rainbow veins

"If we could sit together a moment and talk forever just to pass the time i would smile as the shivers and chills run down my spine with your eyes are locked on mine. Oh we will fill the metro skies with country air and when you close your tired eyes i'll meet you there. deep inside of you theres a ruby glow and it gets brighter then you and i will ever know theres a rushing sound that surrounds us when we walk alone and its everything we've ever known"
-ill meet you there

"are you out there where the rainy days begin to feel rather sad. And the walls are closing in like the darkness around me, it's so hard to look away when the daylight doesn't ever stay. Above tis dull apartment view oh, i will surround you."
-west coast friendship

Owl city the C.D., made by adam young is brilliant. I can't get over how intelligent and meaningful his lyrics are, they seriously make me want to write and write then practice some more..and keep writing. He has this sound about him, that's so unique so likable. I can't get enough of his music. your a genius adam young!:)

woahh check this out!

Okay so i found these looking through flickr.com
i mean these are good, huh?
I can't even begin to into words how cool these are.

the year that changed who i was.

Aren't these just absolutely fantastic?
Cause they absolutely inspire me like 100%
they inspire me to become colorful, and be brilliant. And show off Gods glory, just like these pictures do.
Ugh how i wish i could be a photographer.
anyways i wanted to take a minute to talk about this 8th grade year with all of you.
This year has inspired me so much it's insane, i seriously find Gods glory every blink i take,
This year i had many important people in my life impact me more then ever I'll name a few
apryll m
lisa a
michael m
adam m
gavin e
amy m
abby b
julia t
jenifer w
michelle q.
Thanks to all of you, God grew me up in same way some form through you all.
I am so blessed to all call you brothers and sisters in Christ, you truly are blessings and treasure from our God.
Thank you for never giving up on me, and sticking by me no matter what. Thats true dedication if i say so myself;)
This year i got out of my shell, started taking dance, sang for everyone to hear, acted the everything skit which greatly impacted my spiritual life.
Thank you to heights, how much you grew me in the Lord..and where i found some of the truest friends anyone could ask for.
Thanks God for such an impacting 8th grade year.

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
Jeremiah 29:11-12
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

465th post:DD

Monday, June 28, 2010

give me your opinion!

how do you like the new look?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

taylor swift.

"I don't think the passenger seat has ever looked this good to me
He tells me about his night and i count the colors in his eyes
He'll never fall in love he swears as he runs his fingers through his hair
I'm laughing cause i hope he's wrong and i don't think it ever crossed his mind
He tells a joke I fake a smile but i know all his favorite songs
And i could tell you his favorite colors green He loves to argue born on the 17th
His sisters beautiful he has his fathers eyes and if you asked me if i love him, i'd lie."
-I'd lie

"Friday night beneath the stars, in a field behind your yard, you and i are paintin' pictures in the sky.
And sometimes we don't say a thing; just listen to the crickets sing. Everything i need is here by my side.
And i know everything about you, I don't wanna live without you.
i'm only up when you're not down. Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground. It's like no matter what i do.
Well you drive me crazy half the time; The other half I'm only trying to let you know that what i feel is true. And I'm only me when I'm with you."
-I'm only me when I'm with you

"There's somethin bout the way the street looks when it's just rained, theres a glow off the pavement.
And you know i wanna ask you to dance right there, in the middle of the parking lot.
We're drivin down the road, i wonder if you know I'm tryin so hard not to get caught up now.
But you're just so cool run your hands through your hair, and i don't know how it gets better than this.
You take my hand and drag me head first, and i dont know why but with you i'd dance in a storm in my best dress..FEARLESS!"


no words can explain
a love that's so plain
we both gain
please remain

its like a flying white dove
flying above
we love

sweet kiss
it's something I'll always miss
you make me full of bliss
another kiss?

in your arms
your just full of charm
I'm never alarmed
always in your arms


Job 28:28
Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom and to depart from evil is understanding.

"no matter how many times you told me you wanted to leave, no matter how many breaths that you took you still couldn't breath..
heart beat, i needa a heart beat"

"if i could write you a song to make you fall in love, i would already have you up underneath my arm":)

460th post!!!!!!!!:D

written love.

there's love in every speck of you
there's love in all that you do
in your walk of life
ill help you
though there's always rough times
God will help lead you

cause you've got love all over your eyes
you spell out rejoicing
cause every time i see your face
the fears all seem to escape
and every time i see your smile
i just sit there for a while

cause loves written all over you
and you've got me
all up on you
cause my heart belongs to yours
and all my thoughts become yours

here's a little lesson about love
you can't have it
til you open up
and since we've both been through this
im ready to be yours

forever and always and for eternity
our laughs make perfect harmony
our cry is for each other
and you and me
sounds pretty perfect
doesn't it?
you and me
sounds pretty good if i say so, myself.

cause you've got love written all over your skin
and you've got love written over your face
i love you.
i love you.
i love you.
can we escape?

Thursday, June 24, 2010


"tell me should i just walk away, would ya let me in, should i just give in. I need to get you back on the stage. You're so amazing, remember the time..just thinking about you gives me butterflies."

"i made a habit of never making promises that aren't easy to keep, and there you have it but now im making one that is to keep you here with me. cause every second that goes by i feel is just a waste of time if im not with you!
if home is where the heart is then my home is where you are, but its getting oh so hard to spend these days without my heart. so im taking you with me anywhere that i could ever want to be for the rest of my life. i want you there with me and if there ever comes a time when i should have to leave i hope you know that i...im taking you with me!"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

toy story three:D

you story 3..
saw it with maddie and julia:D
so much fun.
its a must see.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

your guardian angel-red jumpsuit apparatus

when i see your smile tears roll down my face.
i cant replace. and now that im strong i have figured out how this world turns cold and breaks through my soul
and i know ill find deep inside me i can be the one
i will never let you fall
ill stand up with you forever
ill be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven
its okay
its okay
its okay
seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling all for us
days grow longer, and nights grow shorter
i can show you ill be the one
i will never let you fall
ill stand up with you forever
ill be there for you through it all
even if saying you sends me to heaven
cause you're my
cause you're my true love, my whole heart
please dont throw that away
cause im here
for you
please dont walk away and please tell me youll stay
use me as you will pull my string just for a thrill
and i know ill be ok, even though my skies are turning gray
i will never let you fall
ill stand up for with you forever
ill be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven
i will never let you fall
ill stand up with you forever
ill be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

nathan kress.

I just met nathan kress (freddy on icarly)
he's GORGEOUS, and smelled amazing:)))
ahh im so excited right now:D


Friday, June 18, 2010

the colors all gone

The dead sun flower.

Once i was alive
and well
now i've been slipping, yes I've
now i can only dwell

on the past i use to have
but wishes and dreams seem to be done
Now lies ahead a death path
I'm no more I am none

My yellow peddles have fallen flat
they kiss the ground
and the stem sat
at my funeral mound

I use to resemble the sun
but now my colors are all gone
no more fun
I lay dead on a lawn

-Written by me

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Psalm 86:15
But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

Proverbs 16:32
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

450th post:DDD

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Oh summer...how i enjoy you so far.
being lazy
sleepovers whenever i want
attempting to tan
sleeping in
movie nights
flip flops and short shorts are the normal clothing choices
inside jokes
never leave me?:)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


dear Mr.Sunshine
you truly are a gift
and i'm lucky to call you mine
with tears of joy just like mist

I'm so blessed to feel your kiss
I dream of you all my nights
you're always missed
with love rolling like a dice

charm never seems to fail
Mr.Sunshine you are all mine
with letters in the mail
Thank you, I am fine

joy upon every hug
laughter never leaves us
with that cute ladybug
we must love, we must

a little poem i whipped together:)

flowers meet
the sweet sent of you and me
we greet
now we truly see

what lies ahead is our hearts
we will never tare apart
we roll around like fun and play just like used shopping carts
you sure did hit my heart with that dart

sweet kisses
with touches of love
always misses
that love of the white dove

always caring
snuggles in your arms
we're so daring
you give that charm.

made this up.

like a credit card you maxed me out
I'm all gone, I'm all used out
fallen to the ground
used, broken.
The soul to who i am can't fight any longer
you keep trying and trying
but I'm maxed out budy.
like a credit card
you played my heart
just like you played the slots
my shells already hurt enough
no more pain needs to help me out, I'm already tough
no more luck
I'm coming so duck.


Psalm 13:5

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

(Ephesians 4:32) 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Christ forgave you.

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones proverbs 16:24

I have brilliant friends.

this poem was written by my "big brother" michael munnerlyn,
it's freakin brilliant,,
i mean just read it. haha

The leaves are falling
Far from the tree
the world is calling
for them to be free

the trees age is showing
slowly turning it grey
the wind is blowing
slowly pulling away

the trees seems reluctant
to let go of the leaves
the withering is constand
and sullenly it grieves

for when the tree was strong
in its younger days
the leaves wished to belong
and so they stayed

but now it is weak
it cant say no
the tears now leak
and time to let go

Thursday, June 10, 2010

take it

plesse explain
what you had in mind?
through out this time?
cause i feel played
like a freakin game
and i feel broken
like you just hurt me on purpose
cause i
i dont want to go away
cause i
i dont want to run away
please explain
what kind of selfish person would do this?
and try
try to pretend
to love me
for who i am
cause im broken
and im bruised
deeply within
so take my heart
and be gentle with it
cause last time you had it
it hurt
cause you played with it
its not a game to be won
you hurt me deeply
now i have to let the game go
and loose the show
cause it hurt real bad
and it made me so sad
and im hurting
im hurting.