Sunday, July 5, 2009

I blog to much!

haha so if you have noticed yet i blog all the time! I guess i just love writing! haha! so i have this thing were i have great ideas and words and songs and all that stuff! But the problem is i try really hard to write them down but once i pick up the paper they escape me ugh :( It's kinda sad! But i guess thats how life goes!
But enough about me people!! I want to talk about you! GET A BLOG! that way i can check out all this amazing stuff going through your mind and ideas! I love looking at what people half to say!
For you people that like to write a blog is perfect for you! It doesn't even cost money you just sign up and start writing!!! PLEASE DO IT FOR ME! <3


Savannah said...

Yes you do post quite alot.

Jennalee said...

haha but i love posting lol!!! Don't you?