Wednesday, December 30, 2009

just some delightful sayings

love is when you plan to be mad at him, but when he smiles at you and tells you your pretty...every defense you had built up is gone...

you had me at hello<3

they say Disney world is "the happiest place on earth" well i guess they've never been in your arms

if i had a penny for every time i thought about you i'd be a millionaire

"All I think about is how to make you think of me and everything that we could be..."

heading off to 2010

your smile made my week, your laugh made my month, your sweetness made my year, our friendship made my life <3

"You' have got a smile that could light up this whole town, I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down..."

Sunday, December 27, 2009

keep holding on

"Your not alone, together we stand! I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand! When it gets cold...and it feels like the end. there's not place to go, you know i wont give in! No i wont give in! Keep holding on! Cause you know we'll make it through...make it through! just stay strong.... just stay strong! cause you know I'm here for you, here for you! Nothing you can say, nothing you can do, there's no other way when it comes to the truth! So keep holding on...cause you know we'll make it through..make it through!

"You got your share of secrets and I’m tired of being last to know..."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

this is what i do bored at 1am!

some poems for your delight

wish you were here
to hug me while I'm cold
to sing me to sleep
to hold my hand when I'm scared
to kiss me in the rain
to hold me whenever and wherever
to laugh with me in joy
to cry with me in pain and sorrow
but it's just a dream

I'm sick of you and your...
heart breaking
cocky self
So i really want to hate you.
My heart just can't lie, cause it truly loves you

I know those things others don't
you play piano secretly, but you don't tell anyone cause you don't want to be made fun of
you pretend to be macho and tough, when really you come home and cry
you write poetry, but don't tell anyone cause you don't want to be thought of as girlie
i know you.....
those other girls don't even have a clue what there getting into

your in charge of my heart
you basically make it beat
tare it apart
build it up
make it feel joy
make it angry
your in charge of my heart.
so do what you please, just try and not hurt me

i guess you loved all 50 of those girls.
am i one of them to add to the list?
the ones you use for your plessure!
Cause i thought i was a different girl to you, you even told me so
but now i realize this was all a game for you

Can you see me?
Am i alive to you?
cause i feel like I'm riding in the back of your mind
when i really should be in the front
when you see me do red lights go flashing off, cause you know you made a mistake...and lost the girl of your life?
so you treat my pain by forgetting all about me
that's not what i had in mind

So this is love?
I never thought it would feel like this
wanting him, but knowing he see's the other girls
and I'm the invisible one.
we had something, something real
but you let go of our chances
now here am i beaten down. and bruised
all because of you
so this is love?

"My heart has never felt this way before,Im looking through your eyes..."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Little did i know you would sweep me off my would make my dreams become reality...that you would make my heart feel new emotions...make my laugh have real joy behind to it... look at you and literally feel pain in my heart...little did i know you were the one i couldn't forget...little did i know that i would want to hate you, but just can't....that you would make my heart skip a beat when you smiled...have dreams in the middle of the night about us laying under the stars you loving me...little did i know your hug would make me feel protected...little did i know one single boy could do this to me!

'See you make your way through the crowd and say hello,little did I know that you were Romeo"

Saturday, December 19, 2009


do what makes you happy
be with who makes you smile
laugh as much as you breathe
love as long as you live

"You can tell me that you’re sorry but I don’t believe you baby like I did before..You’re not sorry"

Friday, December 18, 2009

love...please just kill me now!

Love isn't something you can touch...yet when you hug him the world seems is whats keeps us going...Without love...God wouldn't have died on the cross for us...Oh love the emotion burning inside everyones heart...trying to peek through every chance you get...yet your stuck, he hurts her.... can't love just be simple? but no...just like everything else in my life love is one of the hardest things to live with....loving someone is wanting the best for them even if your not included in that! Yet you know what you can be with each other...yet he doesn't see it! all he see's is her...and not me! story of my life! all i can see in my head is your smile...oh that smile and that laugh...make my heart skip a beat! the way you look at me...even when i pretend i don't know your just makes my heart jump up and down! I try to hide my joy and hopes...yet it just seems to seek through! so he loves me...he loves me not!

"You saw me there, but never knew I would give it all up to be a part of this, a part of you..."

Thursday, December 17, 2009


ok so today went to knots all day (our school performed all the music ppl did there) and it was such a good everytime i go to a theme park i always get closer to someone...haha!! this time it was ADAM AND JULIA AND ABBY! love them haha....adam is just the most hilarious person ever...and julia are just besties...and abby is just pure amazing haha...anyways such a good day :D wish i could relive every minute of it <333>

"Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone,I keep waiting for you but you never come"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

a true man would think of this!

he gave her 12 roses, 11 real ones one fake and said "i'll love you until the last rose dies" ♥

"No one knows that you cry but you don't tell anyone that you might not be the golden one and you're tied together with a smile but you're coming undone..."

Monday, December 14, 2009

just some sayings

don't fall in love...fall of a bridge it hurts less!

i didn't fall for just simply tripped me!

i wish you were here so i didn't half to talk to myself.

i love you so much...that even though you love her.....i still don't want to see you hurt.

dear heart i met a good luck! xoxo

i like him, he likes her, story of my life.

please don't let me become invisible

all i want for Christmas is for him to notice i exist

liked what it was, hate what it is, love what it could have been

real love stories don't have endings

i can let got.... i can forgive....i can move on.....but i'll never stop loving you!

what can i say? we'll always be friends!

I'm pretty sure this is the cutest picture on the planet...would you agree? =)

"When you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out.. Count to ten, take it in, this is life before you know who you're gonna be"

Sunday, December 13, 2009

forever and always <3

"once upon a time..i believe it was a tuesday when i caught your eye...we caught onto something...i hold onto the night. you look me in the eye and told me you loved me....were you just kidding? cause it seems to me...this thing is breaking down, we almost never speak! i dont feel welcome anymore....what happened baby please tell me? cause for a second it was perfect, now your half way out the door."

"If you and I are a story that never gets told, if what you are is a daydream I'll never get to hold at least you'll know You're beautiful, every little piece love. Don't you know, you're really gonna be someone? Ask anyone"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

sure i do! but.....

yeah i talk to other guys,
i laugh with other guys,
i hug other guys,
but none of them will ever mean as much to me as you do

"Hey Stephen, boy you might have me believing I don't always have to be alone"

ordinary day! <3

"just day...just a ordinary day! just trying to get by! just a boy...just an ordinary boy! but he was looking to the sky! and has he asked if i would come along...i started to realize! that everyday i find just what he's lookin for. like a shooting star, he's shines! he says take my hand....lend while you can!! though you feel in dreams i ride in the palm of your hand."


"Hold on, baby you're losing it. The water's high, you're jumping into it and letting go..."

the real definition of best friend.

Best friends....usually people think of a best friend as the one you spend the most time with. that isn't always the case though. a true best friend is someone you tell everything to....and know 100% that they wont judge you for what you say and do....a best friend is the one you come to when your crying....the one you want to be around when you feel crappy...the one you love hugging and laughing with...the one you understand and relate to the most...the one who treasures you and you treasure them in your heart... a best friend is the one that will stick by your side...not the one you spend the most time with.... all i know is that you don't find many of these people in your life. so once you find one keep and hold on to them...and treasure them in your heart. the definition of best friend: not the one you call your best friend...but the one you can trust no matter what it is. <3

"You can walk away and say we don't need this but there's something in your eyes says we can beat this"

Friday, December 11, 2009

lazer tagging

fun fun fun fun night :D
maddie and me first of all spent not only the hole night together, the hole day as well :) i love her by the way...
ok so the bus ride home was the BEST.....willaferd bahahahah oh my goodness best insider ever :D loved it so much...haha oh goodness!
and then when me and madz were at the lazer tag place...these 2 stalker dudes...did not let us out of their sight...i mean they were FREAKY!!! haha...i mean they followed us...and i am not gonna tell ya the rest lol!
anyways other then feeling sick and being stalked it was a very fun night full of laughs :)

oh and i thought i might let you know....that from now on i'll prob be putting a random taylor swift quote at the end of almost every post haha

"I looked into you in the eyes thought I knew you for a minute, now I’m not so sure..."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

amen... i love taylor swift

"You just see right through me But if you only knew me. We could be a beautiful miracle unbelievable instead of just invisible"

"This thing is breaking down we almost never speak, I don’t feel welcome anymore. Baby what happened please tell me? Cause one second it was perfect, now you’re halfway out the door"

its like she reads my mind...then puts my thoughts into a song.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

waiting for a change

wish you were here. Cause i fee like I'm giving love to no one. Here am I standing waiting for you....gonna give you all i have. yet you take your time, instead of running that race. Come on...I'm waiting. oh love...what it does.

so i guess its just me for now...waiting for you to change!

another poem of mine

I walk through this world
without a clue
then you came along
and you made sense
just who you are
and just who i am
WE made sense
we DID,
but you ruined our chances

my heart beats

my heart beats
little by little i walk this road
without you.
my heart beats
because of you
you were there
but no,
you just couldn't have stayed
could you?
now my heart beats just to see you.

"Could have loved you all my life if you hadn’t left me waiting in the cold"

Monday, December 7, 2009


ok so tonight was the funnest Bible study ever <333333 we made lisa fall to the floor of laughter :D totally the best...oh and me and hannah morris are now officially sisters haha... i love my 8th grade girlie Bible study<3333 best night full of laughter and more laughter :D

Friday, December 4, 2009

fairy tail

your my fairy tail! no one can ever stop me from running to you. your my prince charming...that will never change. your always hopping in my mind and dancing in my thoughts.... tip toes to the next step :) you'll be my'll be my life... you'll be! you wear love on your sleeve...pretty soon i'll be stealing that sleeve<3

Thursday, December 3, 2009


your my biggest dream. so make take those dreams and make them become reality.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

a friendship meant to last :)

ok so apryll did the sweetest blog post i have ever seen in my was about us being besties and 10 random facts about us. so i am gonna do some more random facts

1. so apryll and i always fighting about something (because were secretly sisters i think) lol..... but its always about the littlest things....thats how well we know each when she shows off or when she hits me....or when i change my mind 24/7 she hates when i say the little comments... lol! but we always put away those little things and hang tight no matter what.

2. i can't even explain how much we've been through for friends. i mean i can't describe it....through all the fights and drama....and crazyness in our lives.... we have managed to stay closer then ever.

3. the best time of the year with apryll is summer.... we usually sleep over together every night...and go to the beach all the time...its the best <3 i miss it so much.

4. i don't think i've cried in front of any other friend except apryll...i mean thats saying a lot (cause i am always crying) but i have cried A LOT in front of her.... she is so used to it by now she just laughs when im balling on a!

5. apryll and i are so opposite but at the same time we are like the same people. she is tough...i break easily....she doesnt cry at all....i cry 24/7...she cares for perfection in dance...yet i dont....i care about perfection in singing and yet she doesnt.... its kinda insane how different we are...and yet we still are super duper close

6. I have never had a friend like apryll.... i have never been so close to a friend in my life. i mean at the end of the day i know she'll be the one friend that will never ditch me or hurt me.

7. we always seem to do the weirdest things around each other....we have tea partys.... (were such little kids) we dress up... we put on shows and fashion shows.... we make up random songs and dances.... we have SO MANY inside jokes (its insane) such as.... push man.... chin saying..... our laughs (pig and duck) lol....the list goes on!

8. i hate how she plays soccer 24/7...she hates how i am always doing something....

9. apryll and i prob look the most different out of any best friends... except for our eyes.... but omg we look opposite its kinda funny! i mean shes tall.... blond thick hair....brown thin hair.... i get pimples none stop.... she never gets any kind of pimple....she has braces...i have never had them.... she loves to play soccer...i like to sing.... i learn lyrics like in 2 seconds...she takes forever.... <3

10. matter of a fact we will be friends matter what. i love my lil piggy<333

oh and she also hates when i text none stop lol! :P (what can i say so many ppl text me jk jk ;)

<333 love u apryll ann miller <333

Monday, November 30, 2009


I gave you my heart...i loved you.....i fought for you.... you were my real first love. you told me you would never go anywhere...that you would be the one guy to stay and love me until the end of time. I first thought it was to good to be true...and it wasn't true you broke my left in the cold with a broken heart.... and you never look inside of me....and see what you've done to me. so why is it that you've broken my heart into a million peices.....and yet those million peices still love you.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

a taylor swift quote..and a simple poem!

"I guess it's true that love was all you wanted cause you're giving it away like it's extra change,hoping it will end up in his pocket but he leaves you out like a penny in the rain cause it's not his price to pay..."

this is a poem i wrote...
Your addicting............
I'm lost in my wishing.............
A peice of my heart is missing...
My heart is breaking.......
I can't stop my dreaming........
I don't want to be goodbyeing.

the best things in life are unseen. thats why we close our eyes when we kiss cry & dream.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

just my dreams.

I don't know where to start.
you mean the world to me....and you always will.
how can i tell you all of this??
i can't! everyone wont understand.
your always there in my mind....i can't make you leave my thoughts (i guess your just to special for me)
i fought for you....but i noticed i will never be enough....i will never be the one for him..... and yet i still think in my mind what if he grew...what if he grew and became a man! and acted like one...instead of popping from girl to girl....and just stopped and realized what he had in front of him! yet he couldn't! i realize now it was all i dream of mine. oh this mind of mine it never stops hoping for him. never stops..... he will always be in my mind. yet from time to time i think wow he may be changing...but then i get let down. i've trained myself so hard that i can't even think about girls and him....i just think about him. so i pray every time i think of him and ask God for him to wake up from his dream and look to me and say....yes your the one i need..... but yet it's all just my dreams.

just little sayings :)

the thing girls like most about a guy is when he can admit he likes you.

she can't fall for you unless you're there to catch her.

i think i could be madly in like with you.

you make me smile when your not even trying.

loving you is like breathing.

i just didn't think anyone could make me feel this way.

so i basically really just want to hug you right now.

to me your like an angel sent from heaven above.

you color my world with love.

& you still mean everything to me, your just not worth the fight anymore.

if you were a status i would like you.

in every ending theres a beginning.

i told him i didn't like him like that anymore but then he smiled and i wasn't so sure.

friends are like bras....close to the heart and always there for support.

true love doesn't have happy endings because it never ends.

love has so many complications but you will endure all of them.

did i mention your one of the most awesome people i know?

everything makes sense when your with me.

boys like like brunets!

i feel safe when i look in those eyes.

we belong together and you know it.

i missing you, but at least i have you to miss.

there are only two times i wanna love you....forever and always.

what happens when he's your price charming? but your not his cinderella.

you make me fall in love with you all over again every time.

so darling tell me do you wish we would fall in love?

you and me will be lying side by side forever...forever!

my life is turning into a taylor swift song...which song? all of them.

i sing because it hurts the least....

music is life, you cant forget it. music is hope, you can't regret it. music is love, it's free and forgiving. music is life, its what makes you keep living.

loving someone is wanting the best for them, even if that means I'm not including.

i still love you even though you broke my heart.

loved you once, love you still, always have, always will.

it's crazy to love someone that's hurt you, and think they might even love you too.

trust me when i say i love you, i will always mean it.

stupid mistakes cause heartbreaks.

you have no idea how much i want to hate you, i guess i can't train my heart too. cause it's a lie! you'll always be loved by me.

Friday, November 27, 2009

With Gods help.

As a little girl and ever since i have dreamed big and crazy. Some things will be impossible...but some might begin to bloom with the Lords help. Ever since i was little i have wanted to help people in whatever i choice to do. So far i have been sucessful in helping friends and giving advice and steering the ones who are lost. But it's all possible because God is by my side. I seem to forget how great God is. He's the one that make the dreams possible. not us. I mean he's the one who gave us the talent in the first place. God has given me the gift of a voice and the ability to guide others with words. Thank you God for your almighty powers to guide me wherever i go. Even though i get stuck and can't always hear your voice. I always know your right beside me. <3

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I just wanna be held... and you never let me go!
I want you to say to me you will never let me fall...and that you'll be there for me through it all!
I just wanna dance in your arms.....and never stop.
Let me feel your love...I don't want it spoke i wanna actually know not just think.
I wanna burn inside...not feel empty!
I wanna be complete...not just half way full!
Can you please just let me in....and never let me out.
Just treasure me.....because i'll treasure you too!
Take my dreams and give them wings.

set the world on fire!

"I wanna set the world on fire....until it's burning bright for you. It's everything i desire...can i be the one you use.... I, I am small....You, you are big enough. I, I am weak but.... You, you I strong enough to take my dreams come and give them wings....Lord with you theres nothing i cannot do. Nothing i cannot do. I wanna feed the hungry children....And reach across the farthest land. And tell the broken there is healing. And mercy in the fathers hand. I, I am small but.... You, you big enough. I, I am weak....But You, you are big strong enough to take my dreams and give them wings. And Lord with you theres nothing i cannot do. Take my dreams come and them wings. Lord with you theres nothing i cannot do. My hands, my feet, my everything, my life, my Lord use me. I wanna set the world on fire."

Monday, November 23, 2009

a few great days with an amazing person called apryll!

Ok so ever since school started me and apryll haven't spent a lot of one on one time. and for last few days we have! And it's the best.... i missed us being this way... like seeing each other all the time....hanging out...making insiders haha. i love you apryll <3>
she's so amazing. and might i say the best person :D
she makes me smile....and shes so much fun.
haha and we fit the same exact pant size... I LOVE IT! haha it's taken forever... lol
so i just wanted to say apryll ann miller (little piggy) is the most amazing best friend ever <3

Friday, November 20, 2009

down to earth!

oh...oh....ohhhhh! oh!

i never thought that it be easy. because we both so distant now. and the walls are closing on us. and we are wondering how. no one has a solid answer. were just walking in the dark. and you can see the look on my face, and it just tares me apart.
so fly...through the hurt. and we cry...and cry...and cry....and cry! and we live...and we learn, and we try...and try...and try...and try! so it's up to you, and it's up to me. and we meet in the middle on are our way back to down to earth...down to earth...down to earth.... on our way back to earth! back down earth...back down to earth...back down to earth...back down to earth!

whats new?

ok so i am sorry i haven't been blogging that much recently. kinda been busy!
so as you know i got the justin bieber C.D. and am loving it. i only have 1 more song to memorize.
i am in love with his song called down to earth! ITS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! omg i love him! haha
he's basically all i can talk about lol! :D
so anyways how has everyone been?
i got the leading solo for our christmas thingy....that means i'm opening the hole thingy. I'm very nervous/excited. it's thanksgiving break yay :)
get to see my family
and stuff my belly with food ha
also whats new is dance i have basically landed my splits yay :D (that is big for me considering i was not flexible one bit) haha.....
but yeah.... :D

Thursday, November 19, 2009

truly amazing<3

new favorite song.
all i did last night for 2 hours was listen to this song. finally at 1 am i had to fall asleep to this song<3 truly amazing.
his C.D. is incredible. If you don't already have it you should for sure be getting it.
i am such a true dedicated fan i haven't missed any showings of him on T.V.
you rock JB<3

Sunday, November 15, 2009

life verse!

Life verse Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.


no one but apryll comments on my blog :(
i am sad.


So i just watched UP for the first time ever. It was sooooo soooo cute :) it made me smile. I mean and the story line WOW whoever came up with that story is BRILLIANT! 1st of all i love Disney!2nd of all I love Disney Pixar! 3rd of all i love cute story lines. So this was the PERFECT movie for me :D
so cute!
Have you seen it?

good times

ok so last night (saturday night) haha was amazing! i had a blast!! went to the heights football game championship! (which they won) YAY!!!! haha i went crazy shouting and yelling. it was a blast. then went to a pizza thingy after with everyone SO MUCH FUN! :) truly a night i wont forget. i love my friends<3
oh and in all of heights history this year we have won 3 championships in a row! GO HAWKS! :)
i must bring good luck jk jk jk jk :P

Thursday, November 12, 2009

love you my dear friends :)
you make my world go round! <3

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


ugh. that's all i can say. So much is bugging me right now. Like everyone doesn't get it. Just stop! it's just so..... UGH!

Like idk it just drives me insane. Can people really just not stop themselves or something? Like really people.... just get a hold of yourself!

Monday, November 9, 2009

hold your tongue

8th grade girls Bible study is truly amazing<3

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I've noticed so much changed in me and my friends through jr.high. We all started 6th grade so young and so unaware of who we are and what we were doing. We came in having are mouths wide open ready to say anything we could about anyone. In 7th we started noticing what we were doing, and felt bad. Now this year is so much more different I think we all have grown in Christ so much, and we have learned how to close our mouths. We all catch ourselves gossiping, and try to encourage one another, we all keep each others secrets. And yet no one see's how much we all have changed. I have changed so much the way i was is soooooo different then who i am now. I love Christ and want to do everything in the way of pleasing Him. (as hard as that is, we are sticking to our plans) catching ourselves on gossiping, catching our friends on gossiping, closing our mouths before we gossip, showing love towards others, keeping whatever secret someone tells us, loving our enemies, and reaching out to others.
Good job 8th grade girls for keeping our mouths closed, and keeping the secrets that a few of us only do know! Thanks so much for trusting me with what you have to say, and what you are feeling, Everyone that knows me TRULY says i am very trustworthy. If one person is gonna make me think otherwise, then whatever to that person....they've got their own issues to work out!

linneas party!

oh my goodness sleep overs, toilet papering, prank calls, snakcs, games, TWINS :), maddie and i insiders, smiles, laughs, screaming, secrets, movies, all such wonderful girls equaled such a wonderful time :) love you all!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

just something i came up with!

If you were a melody, i would only use the good notes!

Your who i am thinking, no matter what your always number 1! The one i can't live without, that's you... that's you. My favorite, my favorite, my favorite boy!

Thursday, November 5, 2009



Tuesday, November 3, 2009


he finally is singing more manly! i love him to death! love ya hubby! he's just so freakin amazing. <3 xoxoxoxoxo

Monday, November 2, 2009


I'm seeing on the outside the changes on the inside shine through!

Your love is the reason i am alive

i wasn't kissing him. i was just telling his lips a secret.

It's all around, pressure from my so called friends. It's all around. I'm measured by some stupid trend, It's all around. Everyone is just like them. It's all around... it's all around... it's all around.... it's all around.

My obsessions get the best of me, and lately I've felt incomplete. Whenever i try to pull through, i slip further away from you.

Cause we are all guilty of the same things. We think the thoughts weather or not we see them through. And i know that i have been forgiven.

No one told me... the right way... the right way to go about this. So i'll figure it our for myself. Cause how much is to much to give you? Well i may never know, so i'll just give until theres nothing else.

we make a good team

We should get jerseys, cause we make a good team. But yours would look better then mine cause your out of my leage. And i know that it is so cleshay to tell you that every day i spend with you is the new best day of my life. Everyone watching us just turns away with discuss. The jealousy they can see.

If anyone could make me a better person, you could! All i gotta say is i must have done something good. Keep my love one day, and you'll rearange, all i gotta say is i must have done something right.

You never let me

I will fear no evil. For my God is with me. And if my God is with me, whom then shall fear? Whom then shall fear? And oh no you never let go, through the calm and through the storm. Oh no you let go. In every high, and every low. Oh Lord you never let go of me.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

my halloween

was full of laughs and hannah montana songs and of course was full of my anna!

so i went to the pumpkin bash. it was fun! :) and danced to hannah montana songs with anna all night, and had 4 cotton candys yum! then after that me and anna stayed late at the church to clean everything up, that was fun cause her brother her and i and presston were being freaks with boxes haha! and then i spent the night at annas we stayed up really late and talked and sang and goofed off and watched mama mia. :) then it was off to church with the boys bugging us the hole way there loL! :)
yay for bumble bees and cow girls :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009



Friday, October 30, 2009

harvest festival

ok i miss my guy friends at valley like heck :(
cody and rhett and kyler... awww i just love them. and miss them! i had so much fun with them tonight. they are all my little cuties. hugs hugs and more hugs... laughs laughs and more laughs! :) oh and had a blast with ally bree and my babe bailey. love them all to death. i miss my cody and rhett and bailey!!! <3

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

my hubby

Ok the divorce of me and zac is official now. and me and justin have gottin married. <3 love ya hubby! sorry zacky poo! i just moved on, we still can be friends! justin poo i love u!!!! ur oh so amazingly hot....and make my world go round! the way you sing gives me chills! <3 love ya to death hubby!
lol ;)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

love me :)

watch this.

your turn to tell me what to post.

So i have this idea... all of you who read my blog comment on this and tell me what you are dying to know about me?
it can be any random thing.... personal even (i wont answer if to personal).... something u just want to know.
feel free to comment and ask. and i will make a post all about answering your questions!

feeling sick.

so for the last 4 days, it basically all started on sunday. i got sick! with a cold/sore throat. and i went to school monday i toughed it out. and on tuesday (today) i just couldn't do it. i needed to stay home. so i did! and i am feeling better. oh sickness how i hate you!

Friday, October 23, 2009

where the wild things are.

I saw this movie a week ago, and ever since have been thinking about it constantly. Even though it is very strange and hard to relate to. I related. The sweetness and harshness towards to little boy, every minute life changes for him! he will be the ignored child....the king...the heart broken....the boy who try's, but can never do right....the boy that's loved....the boy that's hated. all so confusing for this little boy, and yet he is so complete and fine with himself. where the wild things are definitely is a movie worth watching.

shall we fly!

Let's fly together shall we?
no one telling us who we are, what to do, what we feel. just 100% us. flying through the sky holding hands. what a feeling flying in the sky with you :)
shall we?? i think we shall....

Thursday, October 22, 2009


please pray.....
cried at school today.

Monday, October 19, 2009

simply the cutest night ever,

tonight was monday which means Bible study!
it was simply the cutest night because all we did was talk about boys with 5 girls and lisa. so much fun! and giggled our heads off. me and anna wow.... we were crazy tonight.
we also made none gossiping bracelets. yay for no gossiping lol! :)
so it was just simply a cute night over all!
i love my Bible study girls!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


it feels like no one cares.

copy and paste some of these :)

strange text

i sent apryll this text

ur a lemon with watermelon ears.... and bears like to sing you songs.... and you live in a p-nut butter village. ohhh what now?

haha im so weird :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

pretty please!

please love me... im giving you my heart.... but you only notice her....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

the old her.

i miss how she used to be. i miss the friend that was there for me, and told me everything. i miss the girl that laughed with me and didn't ditch me or do things behind my back! she doesn't even notice how mean she's being. i miss how she used to be.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


no one comments on my posts :(


please copy and paste this... see my loves new music!!
love you husband <3

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

peek a boo!

peek a boo!
i love you!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


football game... GO LA HABRA
uncle with fam and apryll
mall with apryll
sleep over with apryll (my little piggy)
haha <3


A girl should get so lost in God, that a guy has to seek God to find her!

posting apryll SHOCKER!

apryll posts now. so check her blog out!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


one of the best days i've had in junior high.
nick made my life even more funnier. I laughed so hard my face turned red and couldn't breath. me and maddie were like spazzing out. lol!
elsas and emmas dance is the definition of precious.
The jr.high guy leaders rocked it out. truly amazing!
haha lucas <3 huh huh maddie he is fine? :P
and then after that me anna adrina and linnea hungout and spazzed out some jerkin and hawk clap (which i can't do) lol.... and did my anna thing with her SHHHHH! haha ily u girlies!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

everything skit

Please copy and paste this video. It's worth your time, and watching it.
Made a difference in my life!
I cried so hard at pure impact on this video (a different version)

go for it!

Go for any dream you have, Nothing is impossible with the help from God.

Philippians 4:13… “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

Psalm 34:17… “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.”

true peace can only be found in God.

You can only find true peace in God. I always seem to look some where else to find comfort like friends, family, food, music, dance but in reality you can only find true peace in God.
what do you tend to try and find peace in?


haha i love how everyone my age feels like they know it all. (including me, sometimes) but it just makes me crack up. I mean we can't me matture can we? lol

my poem

so apryll gave me some random words to make a poem out of them so here goes nothing..

I love to eat bananas, while wearing my bandana.

you can find my heart at k-mart.

i love the look of rainbows, i am so lamo

I eat the food that comes out of my stove, that i choice.

I love my boot's, they've got the cutes.

I love my soft blanket, while i am wearing makeup.

I love flowers, they bring such power.

I love my big teddy bear, i really do care.

Cherry's look marry!

wow I'm so weird.
Did you like my poem?

Monday, October 5, 2009

precious things!

something that always makes me smile and is precious is-
when your friends give you little encouraging notes
when some one comes up to you and gives you a compliment
whens some one says there praying for you
when you feel sad and a friend stops there day just to make you feel better
when some one skips with me
when i am dancing crazy with a friend and both of us don't care what others think
when i sit in performance choir and get told you have a beautiful voice
when my mom always takes time out of her night to come and tell me she loves me
when i can't stop giggling with a friend
when i get this bubbly feeling in my stomach because something great just happened
when i ride a roller coaster and feel that tickle in my tummy
when my dad says he cares
when my uncle makes me laugh so hard
when Christmas rolls around... and the holiday season is precious just in itself
when i paint, or write something i'm really proud of
when i hear whitneys laugh
so much more is precious in this world, but these are a few precious things that bring a smile to my face!


life is stressful crazy and rough.
prayer is something i really need right now :)
Love you all.
(maddie thanks for always being there for me)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

pure impact

pure impact=amazing, cried twice!
really made me think about stuff, and realize how stupid i am!
very very good. for sure made me want to live a more pure and pleasing life for God


This is the reality of our world
but it's not even real what there doing.
wow... what this world thinks is beauty. we all need to open our eyes and really see what's going on around us.

Friday, October 2, 2009

a good day

today was just a good day in general
school was good, had fun with hannah and anna like always
visited my uncle who has come down for 2 weeks. Ate some good mexican food with him, and some good laughs
not to much homewrok... so that just makes my day anyways.
pure impact tomorrow :)

what are you all doing this weekend?

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I just am in love with glee :)
Do any of you like it?
I want to sing just like Rachel.
I love the songs
take a bow
don't stop believin'
bust the windows
somebody to love.... all copy's of the original song. But i like how glee sings them way more.


school- is tiring, i hate all this stupid homework..... friends are all good :)
dance- is getting more challenging
life in general- family is fine... some drama happened last night :( but whatever.
my fav drink is officially peach tea YUM :)
I'm so excited for pure impact, it should be really good <3
lalalala i love glee :)


Don't just read the words.... Put them into action.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

speed zone

speed zone was fun! I love the drag races best :)
good day!
i can't wait until wednesday night :)

Monday, September 28, 2009


speed zone is tomorrow. :)
can't wait it should be really fun.
I'll post about it later!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


She thought she'd explode with the intensity of love, but that's what love is like. Wild and possessing, making one nearly burst with excitment and desire-being being both sweet and cruel at the same time. that's what love is.


I loved fame!!!! and i loved seeing it with apryll! :) and the most embarrassing thing happend to me there. so i was running up the staris and i had this BIG slurpie and i tripped and half of the slurpie went down my shirt. so the hole movie i had this sticky stuff all over me and was freezing. But i loved the movie oh so much! It made me fall in love with dancing even more!


please comment. i feel like everyone hates me! :(

best day of church

best day of church by far. dancing and yelling to the worship songs with maddie. cracking our heads off.
maddie marrrrinnnnnn bahahha tooo funnnayyy girlie! :)
haha the memories we create in church.
oh and btw maddie "you have sparkling eyes, it's SICK" haha!
love u maddie marrrrinnnnn!

Friday, September 25, 2009

rain drops.

If rain drops were flowers.
I'd send you rain showers.


The power of God is in you. You just half to let it out.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


school is good. Way to much homework though. 8th grade is hard. Friends are going pretty good. A lot of interesting stuff has happend these past few weeks. Some special, some cool, some sad, and some stressful.
Just looking for this weekend to come so i can possibly hangout with "them"
Dance is fun. but hard.
Life is good, some stuff isn't but over all it's ok!
Loving my bestie anna! She's so great supporting me through whatever i need help with. I hate people that act like ur friend and then they talk about u behind there back don't you?
comment :)


:) Dance is for sure hard. Considering i am dancing with girls that have been dancing for 3-6 years. But i am loving. I like being challenged. I have a feeling when i get everything down i'll be much better. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

justin bieber <3

justin justin justin justin justin
bieber bieber bieber bieber bieber!


I wanna hold you hand <3
(good song)



Sunday, September 20, 2009


<3 i think im falling for you <3

amazing sand art

check it out.
It's amazing!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

six flags

was soooooo busy!! sheesh!!!
haha i am like really good friends with gavin now. haha!
only got to go obn 4 rides since it was freakin packed.
but it was really fun
but hotttttttttttttt!

Friday, September 18, 2009


God see's you when you lie, when you cheat, when you gossip, he hears what you think. He watches you do something mean, he watches your mouth move and say "i hate her/him." He sees your every move. He see's your all sins. So whenever you think no one is watching.... GOD IS!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


omg i am LOVING dance.
i am doing ballet and jazz right now
ballet i got put in a higher level and am doing ok keeping up with all these girls that have dance for 3 years or so...
jazz i LOVE IT <3>
i might be doing
lyrical (when i have enough ballet training)
and hip hop
apryll and i dance together (but she's amazing and so beautiful when she dances! i think im doing pretty good for never dancing in my life. haha i'm loving it! :)
i know how to do the slits in the air. almost kinda not really got my slits down on the ground. doing ok at balancing in ballet (haha i need to learn how to stick in my butt in that class)
apryll said i was doing really good for a first timer.
oh and u can sign up anytime u want so if any of u wanna dance you totally can sign up now and start class a little late.
ugh homework i hate it
and schools going good.
performance choir omg i love it!
im a little tinny big soar from dance,
we had to do push ups, sit ups, crunches, touch your elbows to the floor, all that crazy stuff!
Six flags saturday!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ummmm yeah

dance with apryll. yay aprylls doing dance this year with me and we have the same class'! omg i cant wait. <3>
starting out with just ballet and jazz
then later in the year prob do lyrical and hip hop!
i am going to six flags on saturday with church! 3 8th grade girls, and a bunch of 7th graders girls. It should be pretty fun though.
I'm loving heights. Loving anna and hannah we are always writing little notes to each other and laughing all the time. :) yay good friends!
also super excited to see apryll ann miller (prylla, marsh mallow, bestie) tomorrow FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 3 WEEKS! finally she's back! <3
then on friday gonna maybe go see cloudy with a chance of meat balls. it look so interesting... and like a movie me and prylla would watch lol! <3
love you all!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

falling in love

ok justin bieber i love him
everytime i hear his voice i get butterflys
respects every girl
so so perfectly sweet and humble
he's an angel
and he's the hottest thing ever
like really theres no better guy!
i've been watching his youtube videos for the past hour. omg i am in love with this dude <3 he's almost getting up there with zac! WOW
that hasn't happend in basically 3 years.
<3 justin drew bieber <3
my guy!

the stage

I was meant to be on stage.
I live for the stage.
my passion!

Monday, September 14, 2009

besties forever!

i love these 2 girls.
hannah and anna <3
besties at church and school!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

my true friends.

i think no matter what i'll always have apryll and samantha as good friends.
apryll-we've been friends since we've met each other. so many memories flood my head when i think of you. i have always been able to trust you no matter what. even though we have had are hard times, (which all true friends have) we will always be besties! your so beautiful even if you don't think so. YOU ARE! you are so Godly, if i ever need some 1 to go to for Godly advice i'd go straight to you. You always make me smile and laugh. Your full of energy and can't stop having fun! :) even if i'm having a hard day you bring a smile to my face! We have so much in common, and yet were so opposite. we've been friends since 3rd grade. and we still are. and we always will be! <3
sammy- i love you. we've been best friends since i can remember! If it wasn't for that one day at the park we would have never became best friends! praise God for that park. but we have had our scared at that park (might i say) you are so amazingly friendly. We've have gone through A LOT with each other. We've changed so much as people. but we have changed together! you have had an amazingly influence on me. I can always trust you with everything. we always laugh together. and we have so many good memories! :) your so pretty sam. i am jealous ;) i love you and will always love you! <3

Saturday, September 12, 2009


my blog i am still trying to find that perfect look... so forgive me if it looks bad!

stand out

i will not blend in! no longer will i be trapped in that wall. I'm standing out.


my binder for school!
everyone on it
apryll-2 pics
onalee- 1 pic
maddie-3 pics
hannah m-2 pics
anna-2 pics
bree- 4 pics
natalie-2 pics
grayce-2 pics
maggie- 2 pics
samantha-1 pic

Friday, September 11, 2009

**sing a long**

music is my life
i breath it.
makes me stay alive!

super hero

if you were a super hero what power would you like to have??? It can basically be anything you want it to be.

i would choice
shape shifting
and time control.

plus more stuff haha!

olive in a garden :P

in love with olive garden! ;)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

comment comment and some more comments

ok come on people lets get those comments going again :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


hopefully this year i'm going to find one true bestie :)



first day of school!

went really slow.... but it was good! anna and i have the same homeroom YESSS! :) and when we did the magazine thing we couldn't stop laughing... like we were laughing for no freakin reason haha! and hannah omg she's such a sweetie! i love them!!!! locker ugh.... class' BORING..... i cant wait to start performance choir! :)



first day of school is like in 30-45 minutes.... this is insane! I have so much butterfly's! I can't wait. i didn't think i was going to be nervous but guess what i kinda am.... so yeah! But i am way more excited then nervous.... wow this is insane 8th grader baby!!! after this year is high school....sheesh time fly's! so super excited. i can't believe its actually here!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

rachel zoe

I love rachel zoe!
i watch her show all the time!
she's so fabulous!
amazing taste!
love her name like rachel zoe such a awesome name!
omg her red carpet dress'! AMAZING! haha
i love rachel zoe!
but she is really to skinny haha!


schools tomorrow. I'm feeling
yeah so i have like all these opposite emotions... so very mixed feelings lol!

ps who is going tonight?

Monday, September 7, 2009

My loves

My loves!

zac efron, lucas till, justin bieber, and sterling knight!
aren't they hot?