Friday, November 27, 2009

With Gods help.

As a little girl and ever since i have dreamed big and crazy. Some things will be impossible...but some might begin to bloom with the Lords help. Ever since i was little i have wanted to help people in whatever i choice to do. So far i have been sucessful in helping friends and giving advice and steering the ones who are lost. But it's all possible because God is by my side. I seem to forget how great God is. He's the one that make the dreams possible. not us. I mean he's the one who gave us the talent in the first place. God has given me the gift of a voice and the ability to guide others with words. Thank you God for your almighty powers to guide me wherever i go. Even though i get stuck and can't always hear your voice. I always know your right beside me. <3


Savannah said...

and whenever you forget any of that, look up this post that you wrote. This came from the understanding of your heart. And it's all true. This is what he's always wanted from you and from everyone. For them to trust and know that he's always there no matter what. And actually writing this comment has helped me realize something right now.... thanks.

Jennalee said...

haha what did you just realize??

Savannah said...

That even though I have been giving you this little insight of advise. I never thought of taking it for myself. i give away so much valuble advice aways to friends and never take it myself... even though I should because I need it as well.

Jennalee said...

i do the same thing.

TheMickeyBug said...

Amen girly! I couldn't have described you any better! You are always there for people, which I absolutely love about you!! you are truely blessed! keep doing what you do girl!