Monday, October 5, 2009

precious things!

something that always makes me smile and is precious is-
when your friends give you little encouraging notes
when some one comes up to you and gives you a compliment
whens some one says there praying for you
when you feel sad and a friend stops there day just to make you feel better
when some one skips with me
when i am dancing crazy with a friend and both of us don't care what others think
when i sit in performance choir and get told you have a beautiful voice
when my mom always takes time out of her night to come and tell me she loves me
when i can't stop giggling with a friend
when i get this bubbly feeling in my stomach because something great just happened
when i ride a roller coaster and feel that tickle in my tummy
when my dad says he cares
when my uncle makes me laugh so hard
when Christmas rolls around... and the holiday season is precious just in itself
when i paint, or write something i'm really proud of
when i hear whitneys laugh
so much more is precious in this world, but these are a few precious things that bring a smile to my face!

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