Wednesday, April 28, 2010


music tour come already.
i need to get out of my house right now.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

credit to jeffrey hubbard and his amazing poetry skills.

My life for fourteen years had been

a happy time for me

A ceaseless circle, never broken

of my happy family

A family that served The Lord

A family that gave

That preached the pen, and not the sword

and synchronized our ways

But then you came, this little girl

with nothing to call your own

This ne’er-do-well, outcast of the world

And put yourself in my home

At first my anger blinded me

so much to the point of shame

You have taken my family

Must you also take my name?

I saw nothing but you tangled hair

The dirty clothes you wore

The disheveled girl who didn’t care

But who had never been cared for

But slowly as I learned your case

The grief that you had known

When I looked deeply into your eyes

To the pain that was clearly shown

My anger turned to pity

My pity turned to love

Your eyes they look so empty

What are they thinking of?

I hear of all things you do

And the pain stirs up in me

Why have you no attitude

Of joy or praise or glee?

Why must you attack

Those who would do you good?

The answers lie in a tattered past

Ignored, misunderstood

But for you my sister, I can’t lose hope

Of the life that you can have

An everlasting, redeeming hope

That comes from redeeming love.

The healing that I wish for you

Earthly ways cannot attain

I hope that, with you family too

You can praise His Holy Name

My life for fourteen years had been

A void I had not seen

A broken circle I could not mend

Till you became a part of me


This is a poem written by my friend jeffrey hubbard. He's absolutely fantastic. and when he showed me this poem he wrote about his adopted little sister i started to cry. this is absolutely fantastic. GO JEFF!

I am thankful for singing and dancing and being able to express yourself through them. Im also thankful for acting as well. ALl three of them are talents GOd has given to me..and i am just so blessed to do them all for the glory of GOd. thank you so much Lord.

Monday, April 26, 2010


English poem:
rows and flows of angel hair,
and ice cream castles in the air,
and feathered canyons everywhere,
i've looked at clouds that way.

But now they only block the sun,
They rain and snow on everyone,
so many things i would have done,
But clouds got in my way.

I've looked at clouds from both sides now,
from up and down and still somehow,
it's clouds illusions i recall,
i really don't know clouds at all.

Moons and Junes and ferris-wheels,
the dizzy dancing way you feel,
as every fairy tale comes real,
i've looked at love that way.

But now it's just another show,
you leave them laughing when you go,
and if you care don't let them know,
don't give yourself away.

I've looked at love from both sides now,
from give and take and still somehow,
it's love illusions i recall.
i really dont know love at all.

tears and fears and feeling proud
to say "i love you" right out loud
dreams and schemes and circus crowds
i've looked at life that way.

but now old friends are acting strange,
they shake their heads, they say "i've changed"
but something is lost and something is gained,
in living everyday.

I've looked at life from both sides now,
from win and lose and still somehow,
it's lifes illusions i recall
i readlly dont know life at all.

Im thankful for my 2nd home. Where i can be myself, and have amazing friends there. I love my church..thanks God for placing it in my life:)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


love this girl..

I am thankful for sunshine..without it the world would be cold and lonely. Thanks God for making me happy and bringing the sun out eveeryday just for me:)

Saturday, April 24, 2010


so my special choir and i went a competiion yesturday..and what happened??
now thats how we do it:)))
wayy to go you!

I am thankful for nice warm showers..they always make a crazy day more relaxed.

400th post babbyyy:DDD

Thursday, April 22, 2010

sense of peace.

aren't these just fabulous??
i think so.
So recently ive been kinda down for some odd reason..and like idk ive been praying about it. and God seriously does miracles. i prayed to him about everything..and the next day i felt this sense of relief..and seriously now im feeling a whole lot better..nothings changed just God changing my peacefulness.
Isn't it amazing how God can do that??
its just amazing to me.
thanks God:)

im thankful for... color. Without color life would be extremely boring..and seriously how brilliant is God to come up with such a thing as color? thanks God thats one of the best gifts ever:)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

post. post. post.

ok so i've felt like posting a lot today as u can tell..3 today. wow im crazy!
and i would enjoy u 2 read the first one i did thats titled "only julia would manage to do that"
its actually quite hilarious..and short.
also did a new look.
do you like it?:)

Im thankful for music... without music life would be horribly depressing. Music can connect with any mood your in...lonely, loved, happy, sad, sorrow, joyful, energetic, deep, emotional, sweet, innocnent..the list goes on:)
thanks God for music.

footprints in the sand:)

"you walked with me...footprints in the sand. and helped me understand where im going. you walked with me when i was all alone. with so much unknown along the way. then i heard you say..i promise you im always there. when your filled with sorrow and despair. ill carry you when you need a friend. youll find my footprints in the sand. i see my life flash the sky. so many times i have been so afraid. and just when i i thought i lost my way... you gave me strength to carry on..thats when i heard you say i promise you im always there. when your heart is filled with sorrow and despair..ill carry you when you need a friend. youll find my footprints in the sand"
-leona lewis!!!
me and jenifer are gonna be singing this for graduation..and i thought it was a very fitting song for leaving friends and going into a big scary highschool!
it's very nice for me to hear sometimes..i think of it as God singing it to me:)

I am thankful for friends..they make my life 100x better. without my friends life would suck. love you guyss<3

only julia would manage to do that.

okkk so today my friends julia michael and adam were all hanging out...and like julia got mad or something and kicked her leg up..
and then..
her shoe flew up into the air and landed on our school roof.
I LAUGHED SO HARD...i freakin fell over.
haha omg i cannot get over how funny that was.
oh my Lord u gotta love that girl:)

i am thankful for laughter. It always makes a day more brighter and warmer. When someone laughs it always bring a smile to my face...laughter is the core to happiness. Thanks God for laughter:)

Monday, April 19, 2010


okk so i have this idea.
at the end of each blog post im gonna say what im thankful for.
and explain why.

im thankful for juice. It makes my mouth full of flavor, and always cheers up my mood:)
thank you God for juice.

romans 5:2-3

Through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace which we now stand. and we rejoice in the hope of glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we knew that suffering produces perseverance. Romans 5:2-3♥

some good stuff right there.
i think we all have hard times in our lives am i right??
well this verse shows us we suffer for a reason, God puts trials in our life to let us grow closer to Him. God is great, and he puts sufferings in our life for a reason. I praise you God..thank you so much that you are modling me into a young woman of you:)
i love u bunches!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

if the moon fell down tonight!

"every time i see your smile it makes my heart beat fast..i know its much to soon to tell im hoping this will last. cause i just always wanna have you right here by my side. the futures near but never least stay here for one more night. i must have done something right to deserve you in my life...i must have done something right along the way. i just cant get you off my mind and why would i even try? even when i close my eyes i dream about you all the time. cause i just always wanna have you right here by my side. the futures near but never certain. so please just stay here for one more night.
and even if the moon fell down tonight... there'd be nothing to worry about cause you make the whole world shine. as long as your here everything will be alright."
oh Lord how this song makes me sad.
i do love it so, and its super duper cute.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

true beauty!

"we are the world, we are the children. we are the ones who make a better day so lets start giving. theres a choice we're making we're saving our own lives. its true we make a better day just you and me......"
True beauty comes from the inside.
i've had to learn that the hard way.
we might be decieved by the outward appearance...
but do not fear, for look into the heart and you will gain friendships that last forever.
Gods got me in his arms (i love saying that, its so comforting)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ohh yeah:)

ok come one..he's hot. right?? yeah i thought soo:)))
hmmmm yummy stuff! (thats whats she said) hahaha i crack myself up:P
ahh i seriously listen to him at least 2 hours a day!!!
gotta love justin bieber
and also if we get married our initals(idk how to spell that) will be the same:)) ahhh isn't that cool? its meant to be.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


does no one comment?? really people... its deperessing

i seriously love my heights friends.
michael, julia, adam, abby, anna, janessa, ally!
oh sheesh there great:)

Monday, April 12, 2010

idk what to title this...:P

thanks for all the commenting guys..NOT:(

i lovee justin bieber the only guy in my life:)))

Saturday, April 10, 2010


i couldn't ask for better friends!:)
seriously i love them.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

in a weird mood..thought i'd write it out.

"stop callin, stop callin. i don't wanna think anymore.
i left my head and my heart on the dance floor"
-lady gaga
"remember those walls i built? well baby there tumbling down..they didnt put a fight, they didn't even make a sound"
"people are people and sometimes we change our minds, but it's killing me to see you go after all this time
-taylor swift

poem written by me..
Leave me be.
let me go.
escape these prison walls.
im addicted
im pressured
im sick
im alone
your all i know
your all i want
your all i got
now that i got you
i wont let go
no not never
ill never let you go
you say leave you
i say stay with you
my hearts twisted
my minds stuck
let me go
no never
drop me down
i pick myself up
punch in the heart
a sword into my veins
deep passion
love yet hate
im stuck
im bruised
im beaten
all cause of you.
dont let me go.
no never
one more time..
tell me you love me
tell me im yours
never let me go.
sweet innocent love
this isnt a love game
this is me. and you.
never letting go.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


i sick of blue..wanted a new look. so here ya go.
like it?

wondeful night!

are these girls cuties or what????
allysons bday party:) a lot of fun actually. ive done hunts at the mall before and they've all sucked until now...i was on the winning team (of course) and yes we rocked it:)
seriously im gonna miss heights A LOT.
and allyson is going to a diff hs then me:(
anyways...just wanted to post about a great night:)
love you all.

385th post babyyy!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


"i like you. boy you dont got nothing to prove to me. i know that times have been rough for the both of us. but ill pray for change. you see this world has lots to offer but inside me will go dark, and if this love is what we say it is im sure we will go far. and with a boy as sweet as you theres not much else i can do..but fall for you.
you know that im a wreck and you know i cant breath at the edge of my seat with each word. as the months turn into years just know that im here for you. cause i pray for a change..."

april 5th:)

april 5th (the day i was created) i went to knotts with my besties janessa and ally! LOVE much fun..i got a pass there too:) yay... after knotts (which was a blast) me ally and janessa had a sleepover..which was great as well:)
as you can see we kinda have white stuff all over us..well thats from the funnel cake war we had..powdered sugar much fun:D
love these girlies<3 God has truly blessed me with amazing friends.

Monday, April 5, 2010

the day i was born.

hey guess what?
woahh 14 thats kinda insane.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

jonny diaz beautiful you!

"little girl fourteen flippin through a magazine says she wants to look that way but her hair isn't straight her body isnt fake and shes always felt overweight.
well little girl fourteen i wish that you could see that beauty is within your heart and you were made with such care your skin your body and your hair are perfect just the way they are.
there could never be a more beautiful you don't buy the lies diguises and hoops they make you jump through you were made to fill a purpose that only you could do there could never be a more beautiful you.
little girl twenty-one the things that you've already done anything to get ahead and you say youve got a man but he's got another plan only wants what you will do instead.
well little girl twenty-one you never thought this would come you starve yourself to play the part But i can promise you there's a man whose love is tru and he'll treat you like the jewel you are."
amazing song:)


proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

Jeremiah 29:11
For i know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

Psalm 48:14
For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

a time to remember

just remember this holiday isn't about candy and easter egg hunts, and bunny's. (even though all that stuff is great) we need to remember Jesus...this day is the most important in a christains life... it's the day we got set free from our sins and became one with God. Thats the best gift ever to be given. Because of Jesus dying on the cross who went through the worst pain humanly possible we are set free. Not only did he go through devistating pain, He had every single humans sin on his shoulders. Just for me and you, the people who sin against him constantly.
Thank you Lord for being such a forgiving loving God.

for me and you.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


like the new look? :)

closer to love.

"she got the call today went out of the gray..and when the smoke cleared it took her breath away. she said she didnt believe it could happen to me. i guess we're one phone call from our knees. we're gonna get there soon..if every building falls if every star fades.we'll still be singing our song the one they cant take away..gonna get there soon she's gonna get there too cryin in her room prayin Lord come through. we're gonna there soon...oh its ur life oh its ur way..pull me out of the dark..just to show her the way. cryin out now from so far away. you pull me closer to love..closer to love"


on friday i went to the movies and saw the last song (so cute, cried my eyes out) with julia micheal and adam. so much fun i love those 3 :)
then had a sleepover with julia..she's so weird.
I love it.
I also road a two person bike the other day for the first time (it was so exciting)
friends are fabulous and loving my friend life.
family...horrible. haha
oh wow... 2 parts of my life...1 part amazing other part crappy.
whatever..ive got God.

375th post baby :D

Thursday, April 1, 2010

your my song.

Your like a soft voice in a powerful to me, and always on my mind. You add to my sing. People may think your not an important part to the song, and yet your one of the most important parts. Your the sweetest softest loveliest songs i have ever heard. My song has now become yours. We are now 1 song.... we'll never separate, we're molded together. In a sweet innocent song