Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I just wanna be held... and you never let me go!
I want you to say to me you will never let me fall...and that you'll be there for me through it all!
I just wanna dance in your arms.....and never stop.
Let me feel your love...I don't want it spoke i wanna actually know not just think.
I wanna burn inside...not feel empty!
I wanna be complete...not just half way full!
Can you please just let me in....and never let me out.
Just treasure me.....because i'll treasure you too!
Take my dreams and give them wings.


Savannah said...

That was really sweet. And with God you can do all that. That's all he wants. He wants to be in a relationship with you like that. He wants you to know that he is always holding on, he will never let you fall, that you can always dance in his arms and he will dance too. He wants you to feel his love wherever you go and whatever you do. With him COMPLETELY in you, you will burn inside, and you will be complete and won't have to search for more. He treasure's you more than anything the world possess. And he will, with time let your dreams take off and soar. Just trust. God's more that you can comprehend.

taylor said...

jennalee i love all the blog pics u get!! where do u get all them there so amazing=)

Jennalee said...

savannah- you are truly an amazing person. i knew all of this, but i never say it to myself. and you just made my day even more special! Thanks <3

Savannah said...

Well I think you're quite amazing yourself, just the way you are. And I am glad I made your day a little more special, that means alot to me. And I love flickr. It's really neat.

Jennalee said...

haha your a special girl (in a great way) lol. i know i love a lot :)

Jennalee said...
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marsella:] said...

i love all yur posts! :D ily jennalee<3

Jennalee said...

haha thanks marsella. ily 2!