Monday, August 31, 2009


i really wish i could fly... like i'd feel so free and powerful! Up in the sky flying... floating not caring!!! Just being free! Oh what a great feeling that would be :)

oh i wish i could fly!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

block partay

oh my gosh i can't wait until heights! me hannah and anna!!! ahhhh!!! i love them!! we had so much fun at the block party!!!! we rocked climbed and sucked.... bahahah julia haha good times... talked... got freaked out on the top level, goofed off, laughed our heads off. what better friends could i ask for??? they both include me all the time and were always there for each other!!! i spent 1 on 1 time with both of them!!! :)

oh i love hannah and anna i cant wait to sit with them on the first day of school!! ahhhh there so amazing!! God has given me great gifts!! heights is going to rock with anna and hannah by my side

oh ok and i almost forgot

p.s. AND OF COURSE MADDIE!!!!!!! :)

us four <3


i know this sounds really silly! But i love Horton

he's so


i wish more people could be like Horton and love those around them.... even if there smaller :P

Saturday, August 29, 2009


I have made a choice for this 8th grade year! i am going to try my hardest to follow in Gods ways! and have him alive in me! though i am going to fail sometimes! I am not giving up because God never gave up on me!

I'm choosing the right road for me to ride on.........

books upon books!

i got some new books!!!
2 junie b. jones books ok i seriously love those books even though there for little kids! :)
dear God are you there its margret title is something like that lol
ummm and among the hidden # 1 and 2! :)

whats new?

feeling not so hot......blehhh

Friday, August 28, 2009!

drew this!!!! bye bye vally i love you! hello heights i also love you to! even though there rivals!!! it's kinda sad how i have good friends and vally and heights and they both hate each other!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


omg im going to miss my vally!!! so long far well vally friends, and vally inside jokes, vally sleep overs, vally games, vally partys, vally lunches im going to miss you......

ally g
and a lot more!

but hey i got heights now and i love heights! GO HAWKS :)

but still so many laughs, tears,inside jokes, hugs, memories in vally!!! i love all of my vally friends and will NEVER EVER forget them!!! <3 hugs and kiss' <3 and of course i'll be seeing them again!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

he's gone from my mind!

bye bye i hate you aaron!

oh and i am totally excited for tomorrow partttayyyy at allys (friend from vally) finally gonna see all my besties from vally!! oh how much i've missed them!!! then bree bree and me sleep over time :) cant wait! love them all soooo much!

oh and bree bree freakin post more <3


so i basically cried the hole night!!! and more like balled! i seriously wish boys were smarter and actually knew what they were doing and what they were freakin saying! a few of you know about what i am talking about! and i hate himmmmm i hate himmm soooo much!!! i want to punch him!!! he hurt me a boy has never hurt me as much as he just did today!!! i am over him i never want to see his ugly face again! i never want to talk to him (though i will sometimes because i dont want to be a jerk) and you know what screw him! he's done this to another girl before i feel her pain! seriously i cant even put into words how much anger i feel towards this idiot! i thought he was good i really did! wow how pathetic am i thinking that he was actually worth liking! i love all my friends there amazing! i hate him thats that..... and :'(


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

i'd just like to say...

that maddie martin and apryll miller are the best girls in the world they both give advice, they both care, there both there when i need them! they have a soldier for me to cry on!!! they both are amazing christains! and just all around wonderful girls!!! any guy would be lucky to have them!!! :) thank you so much apryll and maddie (you know what for) you both are a gift from God!!! i love you darlings both oh so much!!!

oh and im gonna do a little shout out to a boy that i know hate


jerk face

i hate boys ughhh they make me mad!

Monday, August 24, 2009

summer 09

this summer has gone by so quick!!! i mean i only have like 2 more weeks of it! This summer hasbeen packed with memories love and hurt!!! this summer=

the beach
getting tackled by hudggge waves
inside jokes = pickles and honey+ "i think our hands just made a baby"
and more inside jokes
ice cream
new friends
learning v-ball
pinkberry <3
words of wisdom and words of hurt
7 11
junk food
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 and more love
and many more
Oh summer 09 i'll never forget you!
wow summer is soon going to say bye and school is soon to say hello! wow!!!! <3 i'll miss you summer 09!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

what i am feeling right now!

love <3
peer pressure
mixed feelings
wow i just wrote tears and now i am crying... i haven't cried in a while i need to cry! God help me!!! There's to much on my heart!!!!


<333 !!!OH HOW I LIKE YOU!!! <333

Saturday, August 22, 2009


DREAM as BIG and as HARD has you can until LIFE reaches an END!


sorry i just totally did 3 posts in like a matter of an hour... so read all of them!!!

cupcake and roof roof!

so my mommy and sister went to shop today and in the car we were all laughing about my weird sayings i say a lot like "for crying out loud" and "oh my lanta" and my mom hates it when i say freakin but i say it all the time... haha (THANKS APRYLL) haha!!!! but anyways my mom sis and i were like talking and stuff and i was like "mom you need to make nicknames for courtney and i!" so my mom randomly said snickers for me but i kinda liked that but she kept thinking and she was like cupcake.... so my mommy calls me cupcake now!!! i love it!! she said she calls me that cause i am as sweet as a cupcake!! awww <3

then my sisters was snicker doodle... but she hated that so randomly i was like roof roof out of no were.... LOL haha so courtney is now called roof roof haha!!!

isn't that cute???

cupcake, and roof roof!!! :P

"i think our hands just made a baby"

the funniest line from 17 again EVER... haha me and bree cracked our heads off!!! it was to funny!!! bree bree and i our so weird when we get together last night we like made these really weird videos... and i mean extremely weird no lie! and in one of them i put a square pillow in my jacket so i was Pregnant with a square child... seriously goodtimes!!! haha!!! were such freaks!!!! but anyways then i stuck a brownie in her water without her knowing and she drank it omg omg to funny she spit it out all over her shirt and was like gagging big time... it was super funny!!! so we had some goodtimes!! oh and bree made a blog and its super weird and cute but if you wanna check it out please do haha!!! bree bree is to cute!!!! <3

Thursday, August 20, 2009

biggg sista

so even though i am a 8th grader i am still a lil sista because i didnt go to heights in 7th grade!!! i like my new sista suzett she's really nice and super cute!!! :) i'm super duper excited for this 8th grade year... i hope my bigggg sistaaa likes me haha!!!!

My new blog look!!! :)


would you like to know anything about me??? savannah recently has been asking me some really good questions haha! so i thought if any of you would like to anything about me???

I'm going to be a HAWK soon!!! ahhhh how crazy!!!

oh and that thing i posted a while ago saying i am going to do 100 blog posts this year, did that super easily haha this is my 100th blog!!! CELEBRATION! haha <3

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


ok so i just watched 17 again... again!!! lol and i just cant get over zac efron!!! ahhhhhh he's just to good looking!!! sheesh i wish i could meet him (its like my dream people) he also recently got a new hair cut and it look super good on him, i also watched the teen choice awards 09 and he won best comic for 17 again... seriously he is so amazing!!! omg i cant get over him!!!

best looking guy EVER!!!! <3 zac efron <3 ahhhhhhhh!!!!

what do you think of his new hair cut???

not the best picture ever but its all i could find with his new hair cut!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


in shock with how quickly this summer is flying by!!!! (i love this cute lil pic by the way) haha!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

my apryll!

my apryll ann miller is leaving me for 3 weeks and 2 days!!! :'(




Friday, August 14, 2009


"so i put my hands up, playing my song! now buterflys fly away! i'm nodding my head like yahhh, im moving my hips like yahhhh!!! got my hands up playing my song, i know i'm going to be ok! Its a party in the USA, its a party in the USA!"
perfect song to describe my thursday and friday went to the beach, slept over at aprylls, went to the movies, and laughed, and for sure put my hands up and partied in the USA!!! haha!!! <3

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

a roller coster!

so on tuesday night i went to aprylls house to spend the night with samantha!!! but there was some drama before that but gladly we moved on!!! but still there was a little drama here and there at aprylls but not much, then after all that crap haha sammy wammy marsh mellow and i did a fashion show for mrs.miller! which i was super silly and fun!!! haha!!! "somebody call 911" haha!!! i love you 2!!! so we went to bed at like 2 (better then our other sleep overs when we would fall a sleep at 4) but anyways... it was so fun so we woke up at 11 chilled, ate spagettie then corey morgan and landon came over and we played jail loL!!! so that was fun then i went over to sams becuase apryll had to go and babysit haha! So sam and i took a ton of pics, talked about life :'( i love sam, but then we had to go to the dentist and i had to wait alone a hour in a dentist office hearing drills!!!! it was such a great time NOT!! but haha it was all right cuz when sam got out we took pics again and listened to music like we always do loL!!! then after that mc donalds came and ate burgers fries and lemonade!!! yum!!! then i went home and now i am exhausted and i have testing for heights tomorrow for 3 hours straight ughhhhhh!!! :'( but i'll live and i am prob babysitting tomorrow with apryll!!!!

love you all!!!
(and known of u comment anymore) tear tear.......

Monday, August 10, 2009

performance chior!!!!

ok so at heights they have this thing thats call the performance chior and only 7 or 8 girls get in and i am one of them!!! omg i cant believe this!! she said i have an amazing voice and she wants me to be in it!!! ahhh so excited!! i love singing and finally i am noticed!!! :) but anyways i am in regular chior and performance chior!!! ahhhh only 7 people and i is me :) soooo excited!! were gonna be doing high school level songs!!! soooo cool!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

in my dreams!

Oh crap i wish i was her so bad!!!!!!!!!! <33333xoxoxoxo<33333

8th grader!!! :)

ok so today i got all my supplies for heights and clothes ahhhhhh i now am soooo super excited for heights hole new style...i can finally start over and be me!!! :) this is going to be a great year i can just tell!!!! soooo excited!!! ahhhhhh heights here i come!!! <3333

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ummmm..... ok u weridos???

ok so sammy wammy marsh mellow and i went to the beach today which was really fun a lot of pics were taken and fun times were created!!! :) but the weridest part of the day when 2 dudes came up to us and were like our age they were both kinda sorta cute i guess.... but anyways they were hitting on us!! and they were all like whats ur name??? then like were do u live??? do u have a myspace??? and it was really awkward seriously it was... and it was like my 1st time wearing a bikini and it was really strange!!! plus in the ocean we were all goofing off and falling, screaming, and laughing and they kept following us which was really weird as well!! sam and i definitely noticed that!!! wow!!! boys these days..... seriously it was weird!!! sam thought they were cool apryll thought they were weird to come up to us i thought they were kinda cute and awkward!!!! so yep that was my day!! what did you do thursday???

AWKWARD (jr.high sign) haha only cool people that go to my jr.high will know what that means! :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


the song echo will not get out of my head its echoing in my head!!! ughhhh i couldnt stop sinign it at deep end to!! right madzzz???? haha tooo funny! & yesturday i couldnt stop singing one time by justin bieber which by the way is soooooo hot loL!!!! haha beach tomorrow with sammy wammy and marshmellow i cant wait <3333


so on monday i went to wild rivers and had a very good time! and some insiders were born on the car ride home like "i had a dream about seeing the jonas brothers connnnnnnnnnnnnncert in the mall" goodtimes goodtimes!!! haha to funny!!!! :)
on tuesday i went to aprylls and hungout with corey and her ate ice cream out of the tub with them, walked to 7 11 and got green tea and cheetos lol!!! walked home watched horton hears a hoo! love that movie haha! then later that night we went to el, then corey apryll and i had a water fight in the front yard and got soaked!!! haha it was fun though!! lol!!! then corey went home and sammy wammy came over and all three of us had a sleep over and watched taken, and CSI!!! then we went up staris and stayed up talking until like 4ishhhh and i have like no sleep!!! and now i am going to maddies real soon!! and then tomorrow and friday beach and waking up earlie sooooo ya this week i got no sleep lol!!! but thats what summers for :)

what did you do monday and tuesday and wednesday???? :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

The colors of summer!


Yellow: sun shine!

Greeen: grassy fields

White: clouds

Purple: Flowers

Red: my heart

Blue: sky!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pickles and Honey

so marshmellow (apryll) and i hungout yesturday and i spend the night!!! it was so much fun! :) we took pics we ate pink berry laughed our heads off and had one of the best inside jokes ever i'll tell you it but you wont get it,

i remember the good old days when apryll and i would walk to the pick store and buy honey!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! sorry you wouldn't get it even if we told you about it, had to be there!!! omg to funny! haha!!!

but anyways after that we watched high school musical three and i ended up kissing the t.v. screen when zac efron came on lol! so after that me and apryll stayed up until 4 omg soooo tired and woke up at 12:40 lol were such freaks!! haha!!! over all it was an amazing time with my girl marshmellow!