Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New blog song!

So just to let you know i don't like the jonas brothers at all and i dont like there music as well! But i like just 1 of there songs its called fly with me! And its my blog song now! check it out<3


A mom said...

You did AWESOME at Valley depite your learning challenge...God blessed you and enabled you to do great despite of it. You are one of the BEST DEFINITEL?Y are! :)

I am going to miss you, your smile, your wit and your incredible attitiude! Heights will never be the same with you there....

I look forward to reading your blog and see what you are up to!

Great song by the way (how did you DO that?)

Mrs. S.

Jennalee said...

Awwww mrs. S your so sweet!!! I am going to miss you so much! You have made a big good change in my heart! My friend taught me how to put my playlist up!!!