Sunday, January 16, 2011

God provides.

Life has just sucked...But God has really blessed me:)
Like the moment i lose a few firends, be brings two amazing friends into my life:)
Maddy and Adrina...seriously God bless them, their so amazing:)
God really works things out...He's beautiful.
Last night i catered a wedding with Adrina, which was so much funnn:) Then slept over at her house with maddy, we had a blast...We're some crazy chicas together, i believe we stayed up tillike 3ish? Then we wake up and have to go to church...which was alright, church is amazing and i love worshiping my Lord and hearing about Him...but sometimes i feel like the youth group is overly judgemental..i hate it. :( Like we're a church, a community of Christ and yet everyone judges each other? like what is that? its just gross..but whatever. But i love the leaders, their so supportive:) and the friends i do have there...there the kind of friends that will last for a life time:D Then after church Maddy Adrina Ande and I all went out to red robin..which was a blast (had the most hilarious conversation ever)...actually it was kind of gross. haha But great time:) After that went back to adrinas and just slept on her bed for a few hours. Gotta love true friends.
Like i always say, Finding out who your true friends are can be one of the most rewarding and heartbreaking things at the same time.
But heartbreak is just apart of life..
God provides..thank you God. You have no idea how thankful i am for what you do for me. I don't deserve the things i have or the mercy you give me...i just am so thankful. THANK YOU:)
God is good :)

Updates on daddy...
he's still doing the same..please keep praying that whatever God wants to have done have it happen and whatever the outcome may He be glorified through it all. He starts radiation in april..pray that goes successfully if that be Gods will. :)

How is everyone?
Sorry I haven't written in awhile..i've been beyond stressed & busy. haha


TheMickeyBug said...

haha! I definately know what you mean by that. (youthgroup)
keep hangin in there girly.
always prayin for you.

Jennalee said...
