Wednesday, December 22, 2010


If there's one thing i've learned these past few weeks. is that God is merciful.
kind, clement, lenient, forgiving, benignant, tender, sympathetic.
God is amazing.
Quote from my mom "Jennalee, you've shed enough tears for the whole entire year."
and although i've been crying uncontrollably for the past two weeks, God has never ceased to be there for me. He is ALWAYS comforting me, loving me, holding me, being there for me, teaching me, and leading me.
These past few weeks have been hell, but i've grown so close to the Lord through all of this.
And i can't believe im saying this, but im thankful God has put these hard times in my life, because i've gained so much through my relationship with God these past few weeks.
I learned i just can't do it on my own, the only way i can make it is to lean on God..the all knowing, powerful, merciful, beautiful, majestic, wonderful, bigger than the universe God.
God is merciful, amen?


marsella said...

lets talk.

Jennalee said...


TheMickeyBug said...

Amen girl! God is merciful! he'll never give you something you can't handle...Alone. :)
Hehe, and I wouldn't have it any other way. ^_^ I totally know what you mean. Except, I'm the one screwing everything up, and God is is giving me some much needed mercy. haha :J
he sure does work in some wonderous ways, alright.

Jennalee said...

i agree:D