Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Body of Christ.

The body of Christ.
And i'm not just talking about the church, I'm talking about my fellow believers who i know and love.
Ever since i found out my dad had cancer and informed everyone, i couldn't believe the love and acceptance a lot of people gave me.
some people were just like "well im sorry, i'll pray" Which was nice don't get me wrong, but it didn't mean that much.
But i had people send reactiosns i didn't even except. THE LOVE I FELT, it was amazing:) Who knew God could work so much through a phone call or text message? Certain friends of mine have grown even closer through this, because they really genuinely cared. it meant a lot.
Even though I'm going through such a hard time right now, God is showing His love to me through all the support I'm getting from some people.
God bless the people who are there for me through each step, you know who you are:)

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