Thursday, December 23, 2010

the adventure

Okay so me and my guy friend were texting last night, and he was like "wanna escape with me?" and i was like "to where" and he replied "it's imaginary, you go in your mind and heart" then i said "okay why not."
So i thought i'd share the texting conversation, cause it was really unique and it was probably the funnest texting i've done in a while.

him-"in our heart and minds. We just stepped away from the everything and are taking our breaths."
me-"That sounds freaking lovely."
him-"join me now"
me-"Okay :)"
him-"I don't see"
me-"You don't see what?"
him-"i don't see you."
me- "well where should i meet you?"
him-"At that one place!"
me-"What place? I need some direction, for my eyes are blocked with too many tears."
him-"Here I'll run over for i have a box of kleenex and then i shall direct you."
me-"Okay..Run fast, I've been standing in the cold all night. Just waiting for someone to rescue me. When will you be here?"
him-"When I'm able to find you"
me-"Are you looking? I'm right there! Standing right by you..almost close enough to touch."
him-"I think i've found you."
me- "Good. I needed to be found."
him-"Hows the kleenex?"
me-"Good, it's really soft. Thanks for giving it to me"
him-"Now lets go! We need to climb mountains to reach our destination."
me-"Okay, I'm ready! Lead me to where we gotta go."
him-"Okay we go straight through the darkness and over the two mountains and we're their."
me-"Okay. lets go :)
What happens when we reach our destination though?
him-"I don't know, we got to go with the flow. All i know is there's a surprise guest waiting for you."
me-"A surprise guest? Lets run as fast we can, i need to get there already! How much longer?"
him-"We're at the gate..And your guest is here waiting."
me-"Whose my guest? I can't see very well, my eyes are still a little moist"
him-"Michael. An invitation from me to him just for you. I'll leave you two alone now for your conversations. :)"
me-"MICHAEL :D (he greets me with one of his famous warm hugs, that makes my smile grow even brighter) But why can't we all talk? Yiu don't have to leave just yet."
him-"But i have already. I walked off into the sunset. for my mission is complete."
me-"what was your mission exactly? Well guess what? I'm chasing you down in that sunset. For i stick by your side."
him-"To bring you to a place and person that will make you happy. And why run after me? I'm of no use."
me-"I am happy! But michael will come to me when he's less busy. And you're of no use? why would you think that? I hear from villagers you're quite the prince charming."
him-"I'll make him less busy. And to some i am but to most im a burdened outlaw."
me-How are you going to make sir michael less busy?
And who are you an outlaw too?"
him-"I haven't figured it out that far yet. And to all the people i've caused pain and hurt to including you."
me-"Well tell me when you have a plan, cause i'd love to hear it.
Well...make yourself more of a prince instead of an outlaw from now on. yeah?"
him-"Okay and it's not quite that easy."
me-"Why isn't it easy? I heard being a prince can be quite an easy role to play, you just have to do it right."
him-"Yeah but the prince is for the good looking hefty men, not lowlives like me."
me-"Don't be so down on yourself."
him-"I'm not. It's the society this village that has put my mindset like that."
me-"What did the society of villagers say to you?"
him-"I'm an outlaw of nothingness."
me-"Well you can't let the villagers tell you who you are. Only people of importance in your heart should their opinion matter to you. right?"
him-"Right. But whom is of importance?"
me-"whoever is in your heart. So tell me sir villager, who is of importance to you?"
him-"I do not know..I need to go on a quest to figure that out."
me-I'll go on that quest with you. Just let me know the time and place and i'll be there. sword in hand, smile on face"
him-"Oh you have a sword? Cause all i got is pebbles."
me-"You may have my sword. For I just decided something to myself that i will be fighting NO more wars. For peace has struck through my heart. And battle cries I'll hear no more."

After that the friend replied "umm WOAH, poetic"

I just thought i'd share with you my little adventure last night ;)


marsella said...

i dont get it??

Jennalee said...

haha its just cute and random. theres really no point, but there is a meaning in the last thing i said for sure.