Thursday, December 30, 2010

a new year is approaching.

‎"She's strong enough to walk away, but broken enough to look back."

The Body of Christ.

The body of Christ.
And i'm not just talking about the church, I'm talking about my fellow believers who i know and love.
Ever since i found out my dad had cancer and informed everyone, i couldn't believe the love and acceptance a lot of people gave me.
some people were just like "well im sorry, i'll pray" Which was nice don't get me wrong, but it didn't mean that much.
But i had people send reactiosns i didn't even except. THE LOVE I FELT, it was amazing:) Who knew God could work so much through a phone call or text message? Certain friends of mine have grown even closer through this, because they really genuinely cared. it meant a lot.
Even though I'm going through such a hard time right now, God is showing His love to me through all the support I'm getting from some people.
God bless the people who are there for me through each step, you know who you are:)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Today my life has taken a turn.

Hey everyone, my dad just informed us that he has cancer... he only has a few more years to live. Please have my dad in your prayers, along with our family.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

the adventure

Okay so me and my guy friend were texting last night, and he was like "wanna escape with me?" and i was like "to where" and he replied "it's imaginary, you go in your mind and heart" then i said "okay why not."
So i thought i'd share the texting conversation, cause it was really unique and it was probably the funnest texting i've done in a while.

him-"in our heart and minds. We just stepped away from the everything and are taking our breaths."
me-"That sounds freaking lovely."
him-"join me now"
me-"Okay :)"
him-"I don't see"
me-"You don't see what?"
him-"i don't see you."
me- "well where should i meet you?"
him-"At that one place!"
me-"What place? I need some direction, for my eyes are blocked with too many tears."
him-"Here I'll run over for i have a box of kleenex and then i shall direct you."
me-"Okay..Run fast, I've been standing in the cold all night. Just waiting for someone to rescue me. When will you be here?"
him-"When I'm able to find you"
me-"Are you looking? I'm right there! Standing right by you..almost close enough to touch."
him-"I think i've found you."
me- "Good. I needed to be found."
him-"Hows the kleenex?"
me-"Good, it's really soft. Thanks for giving it to me"
him-"Now lets go! We need to climb mountains to reach our destination."
me-"Okay, I'm ready! Lead me to where we gotta go."
him-"Okay we go straight through the darkness and over the two mountains and we're their."
me-"Okay. lets go :)
What happens when we reach our destination though?
him-"I don't know, we got to go with the flow. All i know is there's a surprise guest waiting for you."
me-"A surprise guest? Lets run as fast we can, i need to get there already! How much longer?"
him-"We're at the gate..And your guest is here waiting."
me-"Whose my guest? I can't see very well, my eyes are still a little moist"
him-"Michael. An invitation from me to him just for you. I'll leave you two alone now for your conversations. :)"
me-"MICHAEL :D (he greets me with one of his famous warm hugs, that makes my smile grow even brighter) But why can't we all talk? Yiu don't have to leave just yet."
him-"But i have already. I walked off into the sunset. for my mission is complete."
me-"what was your mission exactly? Well guess what? I'm chasing you down in that sunset. For i stick by your side."
him-"To bring you to a place and person that will make you happy. And why run after me? I'm of no use."
me-"I am happy! But michael will come to me when he's less busy. And you're of no use? why would you think that? I hear from villagers you're quite the prince charming."
him-"I'll make him less busy. And to some i am but to most im a burdened outlaw."
me-How are you going to make sir michael less busy?
And who are you an outlaw too?"
him-"I haven't figured it out that far yet. And to all the people i've caused pain and hurt to including you."
me-"Well tell me when you have a plan, cause i'd love to hear it.
Well...make yourself more of a prince instead of an outlaw from now on. yeah?"
him-"Okay and it's not quite that easy."
me-"Why isn't it easy? I heard being a prince can be quite an easy role to play, you just have to do it right."
him-"Yeah but the prince is for the good looking hefty men, not lowlives like me."
me-"Don't be so down on yourself."
him-"I'm not. It's the society this village that has put my mindset like that."
me-"What did the society of villagers say to you?"
him-"I'm an outlaw of nothingness."
me-"Well you can't let the villagers tell you who you are. Only people of importance in your heart should their opinion matter to you. right?"
him-"Right. But whom is of importance?"
me-"whoever is in your heart. So tell me sir villager, who is of importance to you?"
him-"I do not know..I need to go on a quest to figure that out."
me-I'll go on that quest with you. Just let me know the time and place and i'll be there. sword in hand, smile on face"
him-"Oh you have a sword? Cause all i got is pebbles."
me-"You may have my sword. For I just decided something to myself that i will be fighting NO more wars. For peace has struck through my heart. And battle cries I'll hear no more."

After that the friend replied "umm WOAH, poetic"

I just thought i'd share with you my little adventure last night ;)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


"You don't have to feel like a wasted space, you're original cannot be replaced. If you only knew what the future holds, after a hurricane comes a rainbow. Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed, so you could open one that leads you to the perfect road. Like a lighting bolt, your heart will glow."

"She's strong enough to walk away, but broken enough to look back"

"I can't wait to say goodbye to 2010. To bitchy assholes, to lonely nights, to broken promises, to fucked up pains.."

"I wonder what it feels like to be one of those pretty girls that all the guys want."

"I know this is pathetic, but when i look at you, I just think of how much I'd like to cuddle with you. I think about how your skin would feel pressed against mine. I think about how beautiful and lovely you really are. I often find myself wondering if I'm alone in this. I fucking want you. But i don't know where you stand. ALL i want is to be with you."

"Just because her eyes don't tear doesn't mean her heart doesn't cry. And just because she comes off strong, doesn't mean there's nothing wrong."

"After a while you learn you don't need anyone else to survive. No one is ever going to always be there for you no matter what they promise you. You just gotta suck it up and accept it."

Found all these quotes, and kind of fell in love with all of them.
Excuse the language, haha.


If there's one thing i've learned these past few weeks. is that God is merciful.
kind, clement, lenient, forgiving, benignant, tender, sympathetic.
God is amazing.
Quote from my mom "Jennalee, you've shed enough tears for the whole entire year."
and although i've been crying uncontrollably for the past two weeks, God has never ceased to be there for me. He is ALWAYS comforting me, loving me, holding me, being there for me, teaching me, and leading me.
These past few weeks have been hell, but i've grown so close to the Lord through all of this.
And i can't believe im saying this, but im thankful God has put these hard times in my life, because i've gained so much through my relationship with God these past few weeks.
I learned i just can't do it on my own, the only way i can make it is to lean on God..the all knowing, powerful, merciful, beautiful, majestic, wonderful, bigger than the universe God.
God is merciful, amen?

Monday, December 20, 2010

It hurts that you don't even try

I'm in love with love.

Side note; If y'all hate or get annoyed with how many pictures i post let me know. I find them beautiful and inspirational(:


Asher Book-try.
On fame.(:
"If i walk would you run?
If i stop would you come?
If i say you're the one would you believe me?
If i ask you to stay would you show me the way?
Tell me what to say, so you don't leave me
The world is catching up to you
Now you're running away
To chase your dreams
Its time for us to make a move
Cause we are asking one another to change
And maybe I'm not ready
But i ill try for your love
I can hide up above
I will try for your love
We've been hiding enough
I would try for your love
I can hide up above
If i walk would you run?
If i stop would you come?
If i say you're the one would you believe me?"

570th pooosssst:D

Saturday, December 18, 2010

potiental breakup song.

You're not living until you're living for me.
Cause without me you know you're lost, minus you I'm better off.
You can try you can try, you know it'd be a lie. without me you're gonna die.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Share it!

My name is Jennalee Joy Johnson, and guess what? I'm a sinner. Too write just a simple note on how God has saved/impacted/changed/blessed my life is impossible. To even sum up what God has done in my life i close to impossible, but I'm going to try anyways.

My life has been far from easy, the day i came out of the womb i was born with dyslexia. Not just the normal case of dyslexia, but a case of dyslexia doctors even said was nearly impossible to function in a normal school with. But here i am in honors classes, proving to the world God can defeat any problem. People tell me all the time "You're stupid" or "Why don't you get it, it's not that hard." But little do they know the brain God has given me. I learn differently, i am nowhere near mentally disabled, but i just simply learn in more of an artistic way. Even though dyslexia has been such an overwhelming and stressful problem in my life it has taught me so much. And I'm actually thankful God gave it to me, because without it i wouldn't be the sympathetic God loving girl i am today.

My family life has always been a challenge. Our whole family has A.D.H.D or A.D.D. including myself. Our family is also emotional, crazy, and out spoken, and very far from what you would consider a "normal" family. My whole life I have fought with each of my family members in a different way. Until this year, has God started showing how many miracles He truly can do. I use to hate my family, each one of them..which is so sad to say, because my family is my everything now. I can't imagine going through the half of the things i have gone through without my mom by my side. My sister and i actually get along and we're actually bestfriends now. My brother and i don't talk much, but that's better than fighting in my opinion. And my Dad and i have our disagreements just like i have with all the rest of my family members but i do appreciate him and all he's done for this family. To see my family go from fighting constantly, every single second to actually loving each other and accepting each other is probably the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

I've led two people to Christ in my lifetime, and those two moments have probably been one of the most rewarding moments of my life. One of the times i was going through such a difficult time inside my heart with my relationship with the Lord...and I was constantly praying to Him that He would show Himself to me and let His pressence be known to me. Little did i know He was going to do EXACTLY what i asked for. That night God literally spoke through me, i didn't know the next word i was about to say and i felt God seriously speaking through my mouth. After I was done talkinig i was just shaking and trembling and i couldn't control my tears. I felt Gods pressence more that night than i ever have in my life. GOD IS ALL POWERFUL!

Of all the broken relationships in my life God has always shown himself in them. To breakups, too close friendships ending God has never left my side. Life has never been easy for me with friends, mostly because people tend to misunderstand me (It's apart of my dyslexia), and I'm also very outspoken and blunt and i call my friends out on things other people wouldn't because i care. I love my friends, and God has blessed me with some amazing friendships. Even though their are ups & downs in friendships, If you have God involved in your relationship..believe me, it'll over come stupid drama and work itself out.

God has blessed my life with music, dancing, and acting as well. Singing is my life, without singing i have no idea where i would be. Singing is my everything, my outlet, its who i am, its the way i express myself. Dancing is another passion of mine, although i've only been dancing two years I've always loved to dance, and is an amazing way i worship God. Acting has always been my thing, I was born to be on stage, i just love performing. God has blessed me with these talents, and i can't thank him enough. Even though I'm not the best at all of these things, which i can definitely admit that. But i don't suck, and i give all the glory and credit to God..He has truly shown Himself through the talents He has given me.

I've gone through some VERY hard things, which I'm not comfortable sharing with the world. But all i can say is going through those things was definitely horrible at the time, but coming out of it all okay gave me such an unbelievable respect for the Lord. He truly NEVER gives up on his sons and daughters, thank goodness God is merciful.

At one time in my life I've literally hated God, which is so sad to say but I admit it. Too go from absolutely hating God, and not understanding what the hell he was doing in my life, too blaming Him for every problem i had and have, too just having anger towards God in general...To loving Him with every fiber in my being, to every inch of my heart, to every breath i take is.....MIRACULOUS. I can't put into words how much God has saved me from the life i use to live, and how much God has taught me, and shown me. Without God in my life I'd be no one, I'm worthless without God. He's my rock, my truth, my guide, my leader, my friend, my idol, my father, my savior, my Lord, my heart, my spirit, my EVERYTHING. God i cannot put into words how thankful i am for you and what You've done in my life. I just pray that everyone feels the passion i feel for you.

My life verse.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

A bit much to handle.

So much has happened in these past 3 weeks.
I lost my bestfriend that i had throughout all of 8th grade.
I've cried so much this week its ridiculous.
I almost lost another bestfriend.
I just got over being sick for TWO MONTHS.
The one person i don't like one bit has now decided to come back into my life...GROSS.
My friend group we all call the "family" has no basically split apart, but not quite yet.
I'm getting blamed for things that don't even have to do with me.
I've gotten yelled at, everyones crying around me including myself, and everyones stressed and overwhelmed.
Why God decided to do this to me? not quite sure. All i know is I'm going to follow this verse through all of it

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ♥

Monday, December 13, 2010


Summer Hume.2010.
Changed my life.
All because of one woman-Megan Fate.
Megan Fate as you can tell from her pictures, is full of joy all because God lives in her.
She just recently got married.
I couldn't help myself, i had to blog about it.
Shes my idol, seriously. My inspiration, i want to grow up and be a woman of God just like she is.
I love you Megan Fate, and i cannot wait to spend eternity in heaven with you. :)
I look up to you in so many ways, i can't even put into words of how beautiful inside and out you are.