Tuesday, November 30, 2010

true love.

Come close listen to the story, about a love more faithful than the morning. The Father gave His only Son just to save us. The earth was shaking in the dark, all recreation felt the Fathers broken heart. Tears were filling heavens eyes, the day that true love died. When blood and water hit the ground, walls we couldn't move came crashing down. We were free and made alive, the day that true love died. ♥

true love, by phil wickham...he crumbles my heart into a million pieces. LOVE THIS SONG :)


taylor:) said...

omygoodness, those are beautiful words<33 nd btw that book steams in the dessert, could u ask natalie grace whre she got that, bcuz from just reading those litlle bits & peices i think that i realy would enjoy reading it(:?

Jennalee said...

haha sure things:)