Wednesday, November 24, 2010

it was meant to be, don't be surprised.

So me and justin are now officially dating.
i love MY justin drew bieber!
be jealous.
and about the hair, i got extensions.
JB+JJ :)


taylor:) said...

umm im pretty sure u photoshoped ur face in thier...i did it to. thats miley cyrus(:
sorry honey..ur way to good for that girl.(justine beiver)

marsella said...

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah^ oh taylor (:

Jennalee said...

taylor thats me, what are you saying? :(

marsella said...

jennalee thats not you,shes saying thats fake. ;)

Jennalee said...

it is me. LOOK AT THE FACE!

taylorjoyce' said...

im saying, that 1. u have something wrong with u for even wanting to stand next to her. 2. ur face is off center in the pitcure. so eather something dredful happend to ur face since ive last seen u, orrrr u photoshopped!

taylor:) said...

i think ud look goood with long hair jennalee...u should grow ur hair out!!!(: