Saturday, November 13, 2010

grow up!

I don't understand..
Most of my girlfriends all are SO they don't feel good about themselves unless guys are giving them attention. WHAT AN EMPTY LIFE. cause guys themselves are just idiots at this age. i mean why would you want attention from a stupid hormonal boy? its so pathetic. They get their self worth from guys, no wonder why their so insecure. im getting sick of it. A guy should not determine what you think about yourself. I'm so fed up with girls and their stupidness. i really want to slap some sense into some of them.
At this point in life i don't really give a flying s^&% what guys think about me. wanna know why? cause WHO CARES? i've got God, who thinks im so precious and beautiful. for crying out loud, who needs a lame guy determining your self worth?
just gotta say, it must suck needing all the attention...cause thats pretty darn empty to base your self worth on other peoples opinions. Cause i am just perfectly fine with who i am, and who God made me to be. if guys have a problem with who i am, they can go away and grow a pair of balls.


marsella said...

you make me laugh.:)
i couldnt agree more.

Jennalee said...

you make me laugh too.
and thank God a girl actually agrees with this, im getting so fed up!

TheMickeyBug said...

Holy crap woman.
Show some mercy, please. D:
You don't know what they go through! don't judge them! :[
we've been through enough to know, that when you would struggle, I wouldn't dare tell you off for make bad choices, I'd encourage you man! because thats what friends do! ):
be there for these girls! they might just need more then a boy then you think.

Jennalee said...

im not judging them. it just bugs me. i know its for a reason and i knwo they have emotion behind it, but do they really have to be that stupid? for crying out loud they're woman of God, acting like they have no God to rely on..i have mercy and compassion to them..but a blog is also somewhere i vent. and i was struggling a lot with that today, so i decided to vent. it really bugs me that girls don't understand that there self worth should come from Jesus not teenage boys. i get your point, but i also get that these girls have brains and they can use them!

TheMickeyBug said...

Haha! their not woman of God dear. Just because their backround says Jesus, doesn't mean thats who they are choosing to be. And you may have (sort of) ment well, but the post kinda came across as these girls being, senseless and stupid, which their being of course! but.. by saying your better then them by saying "you wouldn't do that" is kind of Judging man.. :/ ahh well. Sorry, but this just kinda struck me, as pretty rough on the gals, you know? thats all (haha! not that I even know them :P), but then again, none of my business!

marsella said...

it isnt judging cause i totally understand what she's, saying Michelle.
(sorry i kinda just butted in) (:
but so am i jennalee :/

TheMickeyBug said...

You can understand many things in life, but it doesn't mean that their right. :/
ohh its finnee.

Jennalee said...

michelle-i totally understand where you're coming from. and it is my fault to judge them, cause ill take blame and ill admit it...i was judging them. But sometimes i get so overwhelmed with trying to stand out of the crowd, i get so sick of these girls who say to be "strong christians" when all they do is act like they don't even have God in their life. and who am i to judge? you're exactly right. Im not excusing myself of anything, but i just needed to get it all out. lovee you:)
marsella:thanks for understanding what im talking about, im not saying im better than them, i just feel like their being hypocritical..and i hate that, ya know?

TheMickeyBug said...

:) Don't worry about it. I do and say stupid things all the time. Feel free to call me out on it too. haha :)

but it seems that "To Save A Life" really rubbed off on you. :D hehe, that movie is beyond fantastic. Anywho, I totally get what you mean, as far as church christians go.
Its a big challenge, but thats were our strength is tested, so we can practice the mercy of God, and the love of God, to people. Which pretty much says to them,"Hey I'm a Christian, and heres what a Christian should looks like." of course not in a mocking way, but rather a picture of Jesus to them. To show them, that Christians should be different. Watch, them began to wonder why your so nice. haha! and then the light bulb will turn on. haha^_^

TheMickeyBug said...

obviously you've already discovered this, but I just felt a need to elaborate:D hahaha!

Jennalee said...

haha thanks your insight!