Thursday, November 25, 2010

give thanks, for God gave us life.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
A day of pigging out, family, and being thankful.
But this day is so much more to me...It's a day i look back on everything and see how much God has blessed me & my life.
I can't even begin to make a list of things I'm thankful for because there's so many things, but I'm going to try. (of course I'll leave some things out, but overall I'll be trying to include everything i can think of at the moment)
instead of listing just family I'm deciding to say which family members and why I'm thankful for them.
My mom: Probably has the most beautiful heart a woman could have, she's forgiving, accepting, and hard working. She's an amazing woman of God, and i look up to her more than she knows. She wakes up at 3 every morning to go to work and gets home around 6. She gets no sleep, and yet she's an amazing mom who always points us to God. She's giving up so much to just be a good mom to us children. She's faithful to dad, and loves life. She could be complaining about her life every second but she choices to be positive and laugh at the funny things of life. She's blessed me in so many ways, and has taught me what it means to be a true mother and wife.
My dad: God bless his goofy soul, that man has so much crap he's gone through and yet he loves God with all his heart. He's hard working, and tries to be the best father he can be. He's supportive, and as embarrassing as he is he always makes me giggle and smile. God has blessed me with my father, and he's such a good example of what i should look for in a man to marry.
My sister, Courtney: Even though me and her fight a lot, i do love that girl. She's not afraid to be herself, and she doesn't really care what others think about her. She laughs at everything, and enjoys life. She's a good friend to her peers, and she enjoys the little things in life. She's taught me how to accept myself for who i am. I am so very greatful to have a younger sister like that.
My brother, Wesley: My hero in life, he has gone through more than any human being should and yet he stands here in front of me alive and going after his dreams. He's pursuing what he loves the most, acting. He's going full force on his dreams and goals, and working a full time job. Don't get me wrong, this boy is very much a sinner and we fight all the time. He's lost a lot of himself that i loved most a few years ago. But i love Wesley, more than anyone knows. He's my inspiration. He's taught me even though life gets hard, no matter what you must do what you love. Because life wouldn't be any fun without dreams and ambitions. Thank you so much wesley, i love you with all my heart.
My family overall is dramatic, emotional, crazy, messed up, but amazing people of God. We've all realized we're sinners, and we can't be ourselves unless God is in us. God has blessed me with this family, even though we've gone through more than i've let anyone know. God has proven to me, that this family is the one he wanted me to be in. There's a reason for everything. Thank you so much God for this family, i am so very thankful. I've learned so much from each of them. :)
My friends-
Michael Munnerlyn: Probably the most amazing person i have yet to meet. He is such a young man of God. He has taught me so much, he's accepted me for who i am, and loved me unconditionally. Without him, eight grade year would have been a disaster. He's helped me through so many difficult times in my life, and he helped me get through it all and look to God for all my answers. He's an amazing guy inside and out. He's definitely got some things to work on, but who doesn't? I am so thankful for him, he's my bestfriend no matter what.
Apryll Miller: My bestfriend i think since 2nd grade. we've gone through SO much together, and she probably knows me the best out of all my friends. She's so hilarious, and so caring. She's blunt and honest with me, but that helps me a lot. She stands for what she believes in. And she's taught me to not care what others think. We finish each others sentences, she's not even a bestfriend she's more like a sister to me. God has blessed me with her, i can't imagine any of my childhood or my teenage years without her involved.
Julia thometz- My bestfriend throughout 8th grade, that girl is crazy. But she's always been there for me, she doesn't understand me very much but at least she tries. She's a wreck, and freaking emotional..but that's what i love m0st about her, her realness. She can be such a good leader, she just needs to realize how much she is loved by God and the people around. God has taught me patience and love through julia, cause believe me it's not always easy being her bestfriend. But i love her to death.
Adam Marlow: Probably the most hilarious guy ever. Love him to death. On the outside he seems cocky, but deep down he's super sensetive, which is so precious. He's been there for me every since we started becoming friends, i respect that guy for what he's gone through and how he came out of it all loving God. Keep being the stud you are Adam, Gods gonna do amazing works through you out on the basketball court.
Makai Gavin Edwards: Little does this boy know how much he's influenced my life, This guy is my ex, someone i've hated, someone i've loved with all my heart, my friend, and now one of my bestfriends. He's taught me SOOOO much, i can't even begin to say how many things God has taught me through him. He's always been there for me, and that means a lot. He's grown in God so much, and for me to witness his growth has been a spectacular thing to watch. He's going to be such an amazing man of God when he grows older, i can just tell. He was born to be a leader, and being able to be apart of his growth has been life changing. To see how God can change ones heart in basically a year, is breath taking. He has a long ways to go, but who doesn't? He see's he's a sinner, and he admits he needs help. Keep going gavin, keep being a fighter and don't give up. I believe in you, and God believes in everything you do. Thanks for teaching me patience, love, forgiveness, passion, and what it means to be a good friend. So thankful God put you in my life.
I am thankful for all my friends, but i decided to name the few that have REALLY impacted who i am today.
All the rest of friends, thank you so much for being apart of my life and for accepting me for who i am. I can't begin to even thank all of you. You've all made such a difference in how i live my life. God is working through all of you in such special ways, and i can't wait to watch God do His thing through all of us. Love you all so much. & I'm so thankful for everything you've done and given me throughout the years.
God has blessed all of us with the treasure called, music. I cannot even begin to describe how much music has influenced my life, music is my passion, music is basically my life. Music gets me through hard times, music brings tears to my eyes, music has changed how i live, music has brought me laughter, music has brought me God. Music has done so much in my life. I can't even write about music, cause it's such a close thing to my heart i'm almost in tears. Just thank you so much God for music, without music i don't think i could go on living. honestly.
God has giving me an amazing gift, and that's the gift of singing. Without singing i wouldn't feel successful. Singing is my passion in life, it's what drives me to do my best. All my biggest dreams include singing. Without my singing voice, i wouldn't feel heard by anyone. Its how i praise God, it's how i feel successful, it's how i live my life. I can't go a day without singing, literally. Thank you so much God for giving me a singing voice, without it i don't know who'd I'd be. Because singing is who i am.
Even though i'm not the best dancer in the world, dance is one of my many passions. Dancing is one of the most beautiful things created by God, How a body can move for the glory of God just makes me in awe. I get all my emotions out on the dance floor, a dance floor feels like my second home. I do dance for the glory of God, and i intend to dance for the rest of my life. Cause dance is the way i express myself. Thank you so much for dance God, dance is something i couldn't live without.
One thing God has blessed me with, the gift of being able to become another person and take on a character opposite to me. To bring emotion to people through being another person. It's an amazing thing, it's one thing i am very successful at. And intend to pursue for the rest of my life. Acting is theraputic for me, and it touches lives. God thank you so much for this talent you've given me, it's an amazing one.
Helping Others-
God has given me a gift of feeling others emotions, and that i am so unbelievably greatful for. I have been able to help a lot of people in so many ways, and thats awesome. I love helping others, its like my drug. It's basically my job in life, to help others in the way God wants me to. Thanks so much God for using me, and believe in me, and letting me know how special, beautiful, and precious i am in your eyes.

I could list SO much more, but for right now my fingers kind of hurt from all this typing, these were at the top of my list though :)
what are you thankful for?


TheMickeyBug said...

This is awesome Jen! :) I think I'm going to copy your idea, if you don't mind. ^_^

Jennalee said...

i don't mind. i always copy you:)

marsella said...

yeah that took me like 20 minutes to read... but it was good!(:

TheMickeyBug said...

WOW GIRL, you read slow! D:

Jennalee said...

20 minutes? you need to work on your reading marsella. haha

marsella said...

i hate reading.

Jennalee said...

haha oh marsella you're so silly. and a tad slow ;)

marsella said...

okay...i have heard that at LEAST 10 stinking times since monday....should i be worried? (x

taylor:) said...

hahaha marsella, i miss u): how was church? i had stupid softball,,.... -_-

marsella said...

twaas good, iknoww >.<