Thursday, November 4, 2010

all i know is that i still love you.

We always tell ourselves we're over it. well im gonna stand up and say what everyone is actually thinking. the truth is, i never got over it. i just held all the pain in, and ignored it. Now that i see i still have all the hurt & love left in stuck, and i don't know what to do.
You say to yourself "i hate him." or you just choose to cry in your bedroom alone at night. but im gonna stand up and say, sure maybe im hurt and maybe you broke my heart...but no matter what ill always be there when you need me, and ill always love you cause i was meant to.
God didn't put us together for no reason. No matter how much i ignore you or block you out, you will always be on my mind at the night when i sit there in my bed just thinking.
when people put you down, sure i go along with it. but in the back of my mind i miss you so much and all i want is to jump right back into your arms.
but i control myself, you say you're waiting for me arms open wide cause you still love me..but i know whats best. & i know it hurts, but i know what God would want.
and what i need to do is just acknowledge that i love you, but not put anything into action.

someone posted a status about acknowledging your true feelings, and i couldn't go without writing a blog about it. :)


taylor:) said...

omg this is exactly how i feel:( ugh. i hate boys...):

Jennalee said...

text me love!