Monday, October 25, 2010


Imagine life without music?
Basically my whole life revolves around music, i sing...well you singing is music so i couldn't do that. i dance and dancing wouldn't even have been invented without music, the majority of dancing i do is to music.. when i come home from school what do i automatically do? listen to my favorite music and relax. Music takes me to a different place, it takes me somewhere i'd rather be. Life without music would be sad, lonely, and there would be no imagination. People become famous because their talents revolve around the music industry, where would they be without music? where would i be without music? well first off, i'd feel like i wasn't given any talents...cause basically all my talents belong to music. second of all how would i express my love to the Lord? cause worship is my main way of showing thanks to God. Third of all i bond with people and grow relationships just based on our love for music.
God thank you so much for creating music, you have no idea how awesome it is that you brought such an amazing thing into all our lives:)

535th post:)

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