Tuesday, September 28, 2010

you're beautiful.

i just embarked on an amazing singer, phil wickman.
if you've ever heard any of his songs, you know how pwoerful and lovely the lyrics are.
I just changed my profile song to one of his most amazing songs ever:)
if you really mean the lyrics and sing them whole heartidly, it can move your heart in ways it's never moved before. Gods so undescribable, He's absolutely beautiful...shining above all. The holy spirit in my life, all i want to do is just explode on people with love..and show everyone what amazing joy God brings.
isn't it awesome, how i can sin against God all the time..and yet he forgives me freely cause his grace and love is over-powering.
He's definitely the best role model anyone could have :)


TheMickeyBug said...

omg,isn't that guy soo amazing?? I mean, he has the most killer heart ever, I freakin LOVE IT! <333

Jennalee said...

me too :D

taylor said...

omg i love him..nd hes gourgeous...so it matches his music<3 that man!

Jennalee said...

haha yes, that sexy freaking man<3