Sunday, September 5, 2010

math class.

you're waiting for the clock to hit lunch.
as you walk past by your science class, you realize.
I'm done, with this crap.
And i'm done with these games,
there's a lot of love out just not playing the right game,
you sit in class the next day, dreaming of what can be...not of what is.
and as you wait til the last second of the day, hoping it will come faster.
complaing every step you take, about the lack of laughter
the tears fall down your face, as you inter you're bedroom
you start to wonder, why am i the way i am?
you're friends make fun of the who you are, and what you do.
you feel judged every single word you whisper in their ears.
you feel haunted your personality, and you feel guilty for the things you've done.
you want to hide, you want run..
but you can't
you feel alone.
you fell undone.
now you're Gods hands.
the second day you past your math class, thinking wow im not ready for this,
you sit in class next to this brown haired boy whose got class.
he says "hello, how are you today?"
you say "just fine"
but thinking watch you steps boy, im not ready to get hurt again.
and walks to your very classs.and you wonder whats up with him,
you go sleep that night just wondering, whats so interesing about him?
the next day, you walk into can't keep him off of your mind.
but then, you realize he isn't there anymore.
he's left, just like the 3rd guy to leave at your best.
and you can't help but feel, alone.
butt tthen he walks into class, gives you a grin says hi.
with his bright green eyes, you can't help but love who he is.
and randomly you say "hey, i was wondering why you're so nice to me?"
and he says "cause a girl like you, deserves the best out of every guy, and you've got plenty of love inside your heart...and i see the pain inside your eyes, and i wanna cure, i wanna cure it. Cause a girl like you, deserves the best. and im here for you, at worst and at your best."
-written by me!


taylor:) said...

o my goodness jennalee thats adorible! u are amazing. idk how u com up with this stuff but u do. and its incerdible! ily girl<3

Jennalee said...

haha thanks tay:) ily22<3

marsella; said...

this is amazing.

Jennalee said...
