Friday, August 27, 2010

summer 2010 comes to an end.

and as summer 2010 draws to an ending.
and a new chapter begins:freshman year.
I am ready to re-capture some of the moments that happened this summer!
such as:
hume lake-One of the most impacting things i have ever gone to in my life, Thank you God for giving me that marvelous week, that has forever changed my life.
friendships:spending time with julia multiple times per week, has been such an amazing memorable time. I love that girl, and i couldn't imagine getting closer to her..but it happened.
And my time with michael as well, even though i didn't spend as much as time as i wanted to cause he had summer school & football and such...i did grow closer to him, i also though that would be impossible..but that happened as well.
Family: A lot has changed in my family, all very personal but thank God:)
Broken hearts: i also broke a guys heart this summer, i didn't want to..but i did :(
i still feel terrible.
There's much more to list, but this is the basic of everything.
Thanks God for a great summer:D

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