Sunday, August 22, 2010

my summers almost over. :(

okayyy, i start school in exactly a week when it hits 12:00am.
UGH, thats so depressing.
i only have one more week left of summer, then its off to highschool.
this summer went by so fast, its not even funny.
well in other news:
i painted my room purple:)
it looks fabulous, and i love it:D
everyone come over and see it please.

Hows everyones week going?

505th post:)


taylor joyce said...

nooooo ewwie do not want to start school:( ugh. o well.... 2 more weeks:( i love summer...y does it always have to leave:'(

Jennalee said...

lucky you, you have 2 more weeks. i start in a few days.