Friday, August 6, 2010


Aren't these beautiful?
i mean goodness i love these pictures:)
Sorry i haven't been blogging all that much recently.
How has everyone been?

Only one more month for me until school starts:(
humes coming on sunday, im so stoked:)
i can just tell Gods gonna do great works in me and many others.
love you all:)


linnea ruth said...

the pictures are incredible, i really like the one with the people on the swings (: and HUMEE.. ugg have fun without me.

Jennalee said...

haha i like that one too:)
and ill miss ya, but ill still of course have funn:D ur such a poop head for not coming.

marsella said...

^poop headd. [[x
aahahahahaha. i like thatt.! (;

Jennalee said...

thanks haha