Tuesday, July 6, 2010

you foul mouth.

started summer school today,
haha i've never heard a teacher cuss until today, who knew that i could hear so much foul language in one day from a teacher? lol
Sonora should be a new adventure, thats for sure.
wish me luck, i really hope i stay strong in what i believe in these next 4 years.


linnea ruth said...

bahahahahaha sonora is gonna be such a culture shock... and what's summer school like?? if its anything like soccer camp, i feel bad for you. and jennalee, your faith will be fine. i promise. you have me and adam and julia and anna and hannah and janessa and like a bajillion other people plus you have a strong spirit :) can't wait to see you on sundayy

Jennalee said...

haha i know ill be okay:)
and whats soccer like?
the guys are STALKERS, all they do is cuss and check me out:/
im so glad i have adam, the only sane guy around now haha