Tuesday, July 20, 2010

writing, haven't in a while.

i will sooth your brain
ill seek you out
but you slip past my eyes
one more time
and you wont survive
im scared of your power
but i can rise through your heart any hour
ohh i feel the pain in the night
stab me like no surprise
but then i feel this beat
this beat inside my heart
and even though in pain
i beat for you
beat, beat,
bum bum
bam bam
run, run.
im chasing this love, to far
catch me if you can
this game is lovers til the end
shot at you
stress i know,
but hope youll be mine
by the end of time
cause ive got you all rapped up
in a blue box with ribbon on-top
trusting you
to fall back in time and chase me down
before i let you go,
you must promise me so
that youll never leave me alone
drop down dead if you must
but hold onto the past that we have lost
your eyes
your kiss
the milky dress
i use to wear that day we forgot
about us
about me
about you
we've lost.

Keys, get played and touched on a black shiny piano

Covered in songs of love and hurt

The white keys your fingers gently brush

Across my heart I feel the music

Across my heart I feel the melody you play

Its so beautiful

And simple

Join me in this keyboard game

Piano game

Join with me in this song of redemption

Call on me

And I will never leave

Take a glass of my blood

And cover it in your shame

I’ve felt hurt before

Just like you

I can be there for you

Falling down

Falling into the ground

Heard you calling

But I couldn’t respond

The tears in my eyes never left me once

For hope was lost, and love was never found

In deep submission I broke down

And took my fall right in front of you

Cause im hurt

And alone

And im without a doubt drowned








All this has been an adventure

But time to move on

Time to never go back

Whispers of hope

Flash back, reach down my back

Chills of love cover me at last

But I have this feeling

Like your dead

Like your gone

But then this feeling erases inside my heart

Cause all I wanted was to be with you

To be with you

All I ever needed was your love

Was your love

Every time I see you

I get stuck

I get stuck

Cause life isn’t worth living

If your not around

If your not there

Cause I tried to escape the pain inside my beating chest

But ignoring me wasn’t going to work

Its already hard enough to face my own heart.


taylor :) said...

o my goodnes jennalee,.......did i write that?? its amazing if u did.

Jennalee said...

yep all three(:

taylorjoyce:) said...

wow u r aMzing:) u need to call my house fone:))) so we can talk bout the events hapenging tomarrow......

Jennalee said...

we talked. haha