Thursday, July 29, 2010


Watched the movie greta today (i know crappy title & name) But i recamend it for everyone, its SOOO amazing. At first i just thought it was gonna be another chessy chick flick (which don't get me wrong i love them) But this one made me cry my eyes out, which i wasn't exspecting that. This movie for some odd reaosn related to me more then anyone will ever understand, not that i was necessarily like any of the characters. I think it touched me because i some times feel like the girl greta in the movie. If you haven't seen it please do, guys probably wont like it all that much cause it has some romance involved in it. But anyone who has free time go watch this:) I really really liked it,
another movie to add to the list of the movies i've cried my eyes out on. haha
Any good movies you've seen recently?


taylor :) said...

hahaha itnlooks cute:)) lol wel i saw dispicable me and got spks thrown at me by *EHEM* someone...o u need to talk to me i have majr news to tell u....

Jennalee said...

haha yeahhh i remember that, good times:)
and i know i gotta talk to you too, i think we both have the same thing in mind. haha

taylor :) said...

text me....