Friday, July 30, 2010

charlie saint cloud:D

you all must see
i balled my eyes out
it was SOOO touching
and zac efrons absolutely a sexy beast in it:)
ugh i cried so hard, it was just sooo good words can even express.
ahhh dang you MUST GO SEE THIS MOVIE<3

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Psalm 46:10-Be still, and know that I am God....


Watched the movie greta today (i know crappy title & name) But i recamend it for everyone, its SOOO amazing. At first i just thought it was gonna be another chessy chick flick (which don't get me wrong i love them) But this one made me cry my eyes out, which i wasn't exspecting that. This movie for some odd reaosn related to me more then anyone will ever understand, not that i was necessarily like any of the characters. I think it touched me because i some times feel like the girl greta in the movie. If you haven't seen it please do, guys probably wont like it all that much cause it has some romance involved in it. But anyone who has free time go watch this:) I really really liked it,
another movie to add to the list of the movies i've cried my eyes out on. haha
Any good movies you've seen recently?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

just smile everyone.
its good for you.

Monday, July 26, 2010


"One less bell to answer
one less egg to fry
one less man to pick up after
i should happy
but all i do is cry
cry cry
no more laughter
i should be happy
oh why did he go?
i only know since he left my lifes so empty
though i try to forget it, it just can't be done
each time the door bell rings, i still run
i dont know how in the world to stop thinking of him
cause i still love him so
and everyday i start the same, crying my heart out
one less bell to answer
one less egg to fry
one less man to pick up after
no more laughter
no more love
since he went away
since he went away"

"I've been alone with my mind
and in my dreams ive kissed your lips a thousand times
i soemtimes see you pass outside my door
is it me your for?
i can see it your eyes
i can see it your smile
your all i've ever wanted
and my arms are open wide
cause you know just what to say
and you know just what to do
and i want to tell you so much
i love you
I long to see sunlight in your hair
and tell you time and time again how much i care
sometimes i feel heart will overflow
ive just got to let you know
cause i wonder where you are
and i wonder what you do
are you somewhere feeling lonely?
or someone loving you?
tell me how to win your heart
cause i havent got a clue
but let me start by saying
i love you."

490th postt:DD


Went to the beach thursday & friday
thursday:Me and maddie took a trip with eachother and had a good bonding time for sure:)
haha i love my maddie girl.
Friday:for my friends b-day party, me amy and maddie all took pics and tanned:) i love them too.
have you been to the beach this summer, if so had any fun?:)

bike rides&a picnic:)

picnic withh julia((:
sooo on saturday, me and julia rode bikes
and had a picnic:)
then went swimming
went to her brothers baseball game (and met the love of my life, EDDIE FANCO...SOOO HOT)
anyways....then i slept over
then church the next morning
it was a funnn summer day:)
Anything exciting happen this weekend?

finally posting

"A chair is still a chair, even when there's no one sitting there
but a chair is not a house
and a house is not a home
when there's no one there to hold you tight
and no one there you can kiss goodnight.
A room is still a room
even when there's nothing there but gloom
But a room is not a house
and a house is not a home
when the two of us are far apart
and one of us has a broken heart.
Now and then i call your name
and suddenly a face appears
But it's just a crazy game
and when it ends it ends it tears.
So darling have a heart
don't let one mistake keep us apart
Im not meant to live alone
turn this house into a home
when i climb the stair and turn the key oh please be there."

Sorry i haven't been posting in forever i've been pretty darn busy, i'll upload pictures of the adventures i've had in the past few days(:
How have you all been?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

writing, haven't in a while.

i will sooth your brain
ill seek you out
but you slip past my eyes
one more time
and you wont survive
im scared of your power
but i can rise through your heart any hour
ohh i feel the pain in the night
stab me like no surprise
but then i feel this beat
this beat inside my heart
and even though in pain
i beat for you
beat, beat,
bum bum
bam bam
run, run.
im chasing this love, to far
catch me if you can
this game is lovers til the end
shot at you
stress i know,
but hope youll be mine
by the end of time
cause ive got you all rapped up
in a blue box with ribbon on-top
trusting you
to fall back in time and chase me down
before i let you go,
you must promise me so
that youll never leave me alone
drop down dead if you must
but hold onto the past that we have lost
your eyes
your kiss
the milky dress
i use to wear that day we forgot
about us
about me
about you
we've lost.

Keys, get played and touched on a black shiny piano

Covered in songs of love and hurt

The white keys your fingers gently brush

Across my heart I feel the music

Across my heart I feel the melody you play

Its so beautiful

And simple

Join me in this keyboard game

Piano game

Join with me in this song of redemption

Call on me

And I will never leave

Take a glass of my blood

And cover it in your shame

I’ve felt hurt before

Just like you

I can be there for you

Falling down

Falling into the ground

Heard you calling

But I couldn’t respond

The tears in my eyes never left me once

For hope was lost, and love was never found

In deep submission I broke down

And took my fall right in front of you

Cause im hurt

And alone

And im without a doubt drowned








All this has been an adventure

But time to move on

Time to never go back

Whispers of hope

Flash back, reach down my back

Chills of love cover me at last

But I have this feeling

Like your dead

Like your gone

But then this feeling erases inside my heart

Cause all I wanted was to be with you

To be with you

All I ever needed was your love

Was your love

Every time I see you

I get stuck

I get stuck

Cause life isn’t worth living

If your not around

If your not there

Cause I tried to escape the pain inside my beating chest

But ignoring me wasn’t going to work

Its already hard enough to face my own heart.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Sing a new song, to Him who sits on heavens mercy seat.
Holy, holy, is He!
With all creation i sing praise to the King of Kings.
and i will adore You.
Flashes of lighting, roles of thunder.

I went to CTV's dance show the other night, and it was really really awesome. But one thing that stuck out to me, it wasn't the show at all. It was more the message that Jill (the CTV director) talked about.
She talked about God dying on the cross, and i was like "oh great, heard this story like 4 billion times, why do i always have to listen to this stuff i know?"
But then she brought up How EVERY single sin ever done, doing, or did has been laid of Gods chest.
Just imagine our own daily lives, all the sins we do in just ONE DAY. Well take every single person in the world and over their life time take all their sins, with all sins put together. All laid on Jesus, who we rebuke, a shame, and sin against everyday.
God shows absolutely true love, he has the power to kill us all right now in less then a blink of an eye, and yet he loves us unconditionally and forgives all our sins.
Now i can't imagine a better picture of grace, than Jesus laying on the cross for my sins.
I can't really get the full impact in a blog post, but just think about it.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

John mayer

"Just when i had you off my head
Your voice comes thrashing wildly through my quiet bed
You say you wanna try again
But i've tried everything but giving in
Why you wanna break my heart again?
Why am i gonna let you try?
When all we ever do is say goodbye
I bought a ticket on a plane
And by the time it landed, you were gone again
I love you more than songs can say
But i can't keep running after yesterday
So why you wanna break my heart again?
Why am i gonna let you try?
When all we ever do is say goodbye,
when all we ever do is say goodbye."

"I was born in the arms of imaginary friends, free to roam, made a home out of everywhere i've been. Then you came crashing in, like the realest thing. Trying my best to understand all that your love can bring.
Oh, half of my heart's got a grip on the situation. Half of my heart takes time, half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you that i can't keep loving you. Oh with half of my heart.
I was made to believe i'd never love somebody else, made a plan, stay in the man who can only love himself. Lonely was the song i sang, til the day you came, showing me another way and all that my love can bring"

"lighting strike, inside my chest to keep me up at night.
Dream of ways, to make you understand my pain.
Clouds of sulphur in the air, bombs are falling everywhere.
It's a heartbreak warfare.
Once you want it to begin, no one really ever wins.
In heartbreak warfare.
If you want more love, why don't you say so?
Drop his name, push it in and twist the knife again.
Watch my face, as i pretend to feel no pain."

i LOVE john Mayer, like you can't get a much more sexy lyric and song from him. I mean he may not be the most attractive man ever, but he sure as hell looks attractive after you go through his lyrics. He seriously gives me the chills, and i just wanna cuddle up into a blanket and turn him on loud and just cry, sleep, laugh, and listen:)
dang he's great.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

jar of hearts

"I know i can't take one more step, towards you
Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know i'm not your ghost anymore, you lost the love i love the most.
I learned to live, half a life. and now you want me one more time
And who do you think are? runnin' around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts, tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me, who do you think are?
I hear you're asking all around if i am anywhere to be found
But i have grown to strong, to ever fall back in your arms
I learned to live, half a life. And now you want me one more time
and who do you think you are? runnin' around leaving scars
collecting your jar of hearts, taring love apart
your gonna catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me, who do you think you are?

it took so long just to feel alright
remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish i had missed the first time that we kissed
cause you broke all your promises, now you're back you don't get to get me back."

I just discovered her (christina perri) recently, and she's a pure genius when it comes to song lyrics:)
she like just literally spoke my mind.

verses that make my life 100% better:)

Romans 8:38-39
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord

Romans 8:28- And we know that God causes
everything to work together for the good of those who love God, and are
called according to His purpose for them♥

Romans 8:31
If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

Ephesians 3:17-19
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

580th post:DD

Friday, July 16, 2010

i never told you.

"I miss those blue eyes, how you kiss me at night, i miss the way we sleep
Like there's no sunrise, like the taste of your smile, i miss the way we breathe
But i never told you, what i should have said. No, I never told you i just held it in
And now, I miss everything about you, can't believe that i still want you, and after all the things we've been through. I miss everything about you.
I see your blue eyes everytime i close mine, you make it hard to see, where i belong to. When I'm around you it's like i'm not with me.
But i never told you what i should have said, No, I never told you i just held it in."

wish i got the chance to push you, to make you feel what i felt like. Wish i had the chance to go back in time and tell you how i felt. How i got hurt, how you treated me. Wish i could go back and slap you from behind, just like you did to me. I miss the smiles, the laughs, the memories. But i'm so glad to be in the future and not the past:)


I don't care anymore, just do what you want.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


"Incompatible, it don't matter though
Cause someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find
Is it possible Mr.Lovable?
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me
Or maybe you're in disguise
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Here we are again, circles never end
How do i find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line"

2 timothy 3:16
All scripture is God-breathed is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.