Thursday, June 10, 2010

take it

plesse explain
what you had in mind?
through out this time?
cause i feel played
like a freakin game
and i feel broken
like you just hurt me on purpose
cause i
i dont want to go away
cause i
i dont want to run away
please explain
what kind of selfish person would do this?
and try
try to pretend
to love me
for who i am
cause im broken
and im bruised
deeply within
so take my heart
and be gentle with it
cause last time you had it
it hurt
cause you played with it
its not a game to be won
you hurt me deeply
now i have to let the game go
and loose the show
cause it hurt real bad
and it made me so sad
and im hurting
im hurting.


TheMickeyBug said...

Lol, this sounds like a recipe for depression. :P you okay girly?

Jennalee said...

im am just dandy haha

TheMickeyBug said...

I find that very hard to believe. ;P oh well, love you.

Jennalee said...

haha im seriously good:)