Sunday, June 13, 2010

made this up.

like a credit card you maxed me out
I'm all gone, I'm all used out
fallen to the ground
used, broken.
The soul to who i am can't fight any longer
you keep trying and trying
but I'm maxed out budy.
like a credit card
you played my heart
just like you played the slots
my shells already hurt enough
no more pain needs to help me out, I'm already tough
no more luck
I'm coming so duck.


linnea ruth said...


Jennalee said...

haha thanks?

TheMickeyBug said...

Haha! heyy! that was actually pretty cool! very creative, dare I say it, I'm kinda Jealous! :D

Jennalee said...

ur jealous? oh snap...haha Michelle u have NOTHING TO be jealous about of me.