Sunday, May 30, 2010

this weekend, and another day to go.

firday:8th grade banquet!!:D
saturday: Jenifers bowling, swimming, sleepover:)
sunday:me julia maddie go to church...then adam and michael show up. michael julia maddie and i all hangout go swimming, whitwood mall, and spoons:)
monday: to come... movies with 8th grader heights friends seeing shrek 4:)
such a great weekend.


linnea ruth said...

wait. adam and michael came to our church on sunday?! and also, how was jenn's party? i reallyyyyyy wanted to go ):

linnea ruth said...

ugg. and i wanted to go to the movie but i was on the freeway. was that good too?? :/

Jennalee said...

yes adam and michael came..duhh their julia and my bestfriends:)
and jens party was a blast.
and the movie was chill.

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Jennalee said...

who is this hapi person?