Thursday, May 13, 2010


ok so even though the song tears drop on my guitar by taylor swift is still means like a lot to me<3 like she litterally reads my mind..goodness taylor u are just so amazing<333 i wanna meet that girl like NOW. haha anyways other news just had my performance tonight (one more after this then im done at 8th grade performance choir at heights) OK THAT IS JUST KILLING ME, this is to sad:(( can't wait til banquet, performing two things ahh:) whats new in your life?

I am thankful for my eyes, its the one thing i like about myself..thanks God for giving me eyes that pop just like my personality:)

420th post!!! BE JEALOUS!


TheMickeyBug said...

Well I'm glad thats one thing you like:P I personally think your eyes are amazingly AWESOME, but I'm comfortable with my big brown mysterious eyes. :3 hehehehe(:

but taylor swift is incredibly poetic^_^ I love herr<3

Jennalee said...

haha i love ur eyes they're deep in darkness:P

and i love her more:)