Thursday, April 1, 2010

your my song.

Your like a soft voice in a powerful to me, and always on my mind. You add to my sing. People may think your not an important part to the song, and yet your one of the most important parts. Your the sweetest softest loveliest songs i have ever heard. My song has now become yours. We are now 1 song.... we'll never separate, we're molded together. In a sweet innocent song


TheMickeyBug said...

is this about someone imparticular? (;

Jennalee said...

not really..just kinda popped into my mind..sometimes i think God gives me some inspiration..i mean yeah i had someone in my mind..but that wasnt the whole part..its beautiful what God can make in my life..i mean honestly God wraps his arm around me..and when everything is going crappy he lets me know im proud of you daughter and your my sweet song. cause God is my sweet song. <3 ya know?

Apryll said...

That is really sweet Jennalee. That's really clever :D

Jennalee said...

aww shhucks :)