Tuesday, April 6, 2010

april 5th:)

april 5th (the day i was created) i went to knotts with my besties janessa and ally! LOVE THEM...so much fun..i got a pass there too:) yay... after knotts (which was a blast) me ally and janessa had a sleepover..which was great as well:)
as you can see we kinda have white stuff all over us..well thats from the funnel cake war we had..powdered sugar EVERYWHERE..so much fun:D
love these girlies<3 God has truly blessed me with amazing friends.


TheMickeyBug said...

girly, looks liek you had lotsa fun:)

TheMickeyBug said...
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Apryll said...

i wish i could have gone. i should save up my money so we can go together

Nathan said...


Jennalee said...

but honey i was invited to that..how could u have gone?