Saturday, February 6, 2010

just some stuff i came up with.

just some stuff i came up with.

The rain of life. Each tear drop we cry, God lifts up into the sky and treasures your emotion! So every time you cry know that God just sends the tears back down to let you know he feels your pain.

can i escape this place they call earth? This wicked horrible place. That God intended to be amazing and beautiful beyond compare. can i please join God into His world of no sin, and pure joy! Where no one judges you, when all you feel is happiness. Where i Don't half to worry what i look like, or what people think of me. I place where I'm me, and everyone excepts that. Thank you God for giving me a hint of your love down here on this world. I can't wait to see you, when the day comes.

"I tried to take the road less traveled by but nothing seems to work the first few times...Am I right?"
-taylor swift

and my God quotes, only give me one a day. so the post below has the God quote of the day :)

1 comment:

Apryll said...

awwwww i love the first one!