Sunday, February 14, 2010

How great is our God?

There's so much beauty in life, I don't know how God came up with all of it. It can be the biggest thing... to a building way up in the sky, to a couple holding hands in the snow. equally beautiful! It can be a mountain soaring over everything, to an apple looking as ripe and red as ever. God has the most brilliant mind ever. He created humans, to the complexity of our body's to our complexity of emotions flowing through our veins. What a God, who created all this amazing stuff. The waves in an ocean how they crash against the sand, to a baby taking it's first steps. What beautiful things God has put in our lives. Thank you Lord for being the most amazing inspiring person in my life. Without you i would have no reason to live.
Just like how You shined Your light into my life, I will share that light with the world.


Apryll said...

it is truly amazing!! like we are made with the weirdest bodys and it is crazy to think that he came up with it!

Jennalee said...

i know huh?? what an amazing God.

Apryll said...

yeah he is truly amazing!!!