Tuesday, February 2, 2010

God quotes

ok so every post i do a taylor swift quote...and i love that :)
but theres time for change..so im gonna post what God says to me today.. haha its an app on facebook..it gives me like what God wants to say to me today..so instead of the taylor swift quotes...we are now going with the God quotes haha :)

"that today you have a cause for celebration. Today, you should celebrate what an unbelievable life you have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make you stronger. Just as a gem cannot be polis...hed without friction, nor can a life be perfected without trials. Take a time to acknowledge your life and to praise yourself."

oh but im gonna still do the taylor swift for the heck of it now that i think about it...ok ive made up my mind

taylor swift quote..and God quote! so read them :)

i'll lable which one is which!

" These things will change,can you feel it now?These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down it's a revolution,the time will come for us to finally win"


Apryll said...

Ok sounds good it did need to change it's a new year

Apryll said...

its crazy i post more than you!

Anonymous said...

i dont give a crap