Saturday, February 13, 2010

God, fill up my life!

Lately I've been thinking, and I was thinking about how recently i haven't needed all this extra stuff in my life like gossip and drama, because God is really filling all those empty parts in my life. I use to gossip sometimes (not that often), but recently i've been stopping everyone when they start and i've been feeling like what's the need to build people down? I mean God made all this glorious stuff for us to enjoy, he made us to love him and show His light to others. And we return Him in gossip?? I don't quite understand why girls gossip, i mean i understand they want to feel better about themselves but can't you build yourself up by doing things you love and being around people you love? I mean honestly I'm kind of sick of gossip and how people hate each other so much. It bugs me a lot actually. I mean i recently found out i've been gossiped about, and these girls don't even know me that well. and who are they to say things like that. But it's ok cause God forgave them and so will I.
Thank you God for coming into my heart and showing me i don't need pointless gossip. and thank you God for filling my life with people I love and inspire me to do better, and thank you God for the talents you've given me...such as, singing and dancing and being able to make friends easily. I am so thankful you put smiling and laughter into the world. and Music too. Your an awesome God, and i will never ever forget that.

oh and by the way i will not be doing anymore quotes. I'm a tad bored with them.


TheMickeyBug said...

^_^ Thank God for those things.. Without them Life would be boring!

Glory Johnson said...
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Jennalee said...

i know without them life would suck and be extremely no fun at all!