Friday, January 1, 2010

taylor swift<3

I love love love love taylor swift.... she is just so who i want to be....she's such a role model to me :)
she's just so beautiful...and completely herself!!! i love her... like she literally reads my mind then puts them into songs
like you don't understand how amazing she is
oh im going through something...hmm what should i do...
1.Go to God
2. Listen to taylor swift songs
3. Call a friend
and she's so beautiful (and on top of it all she's a freakin Christain!) like u can't get much better of a person...
she's no afraid to be herself...she doesn't give a crap of what people thing of her
and i absolutely LOVE that...
thank you God for taylor swift<333

"Your beautiful eyes stare right into mine and sometimes I think of you late at night I don know why..."


apryll said...

she is so beautiful!!!

TheMickeyBug said...

Hehe, I think ur amazing just the way u rz Jen:)

Jennalee said...

thanks michelle...ditto<333