Wednesday, December 23, 2009

this is what i do bored at 1am!

some poems for your delight

wish you were here
to hug me while I'm cold
to sing me to sleep
to hold my hand when I'm scared
to kiss me in the rain
to hold me whenever and wherever
to laugh with me in joy
to cry with me in pain and sorrow
but it's just a dream

I'm sick of you and your...
heart breaking
cocky self
So i really want to hate you.
My heart just can't lie, cause it truly loves you

I know those things others don't
you play piano secretly, but you don't tell anyone cause you don't want to be made fun of
you pretend to be macho and tough, when really you come home and cry
you write poetry, but don't tell anyone cause you don't want to be thought of as girlie
i know you.....
those other girls don't even have a clue what there getting into

your in charge of my heart
you basically make it beat
tare it apart
build it up
make it feel joy
make it angry
your in charge of my heart.
so do what you please, just try and not hurt me

i guess you loved all 50 of those girls.
am i one of them to add to the list?
the ones you use for your plessure!
Cause i thought i was a different girl to you, you even told me so
but now i realize this was all a game for you

Can you see me?
Am i alive to you?
cause i feel like I'm riding in the back of your mind
when i really should be in the front
when you see me do red lights go flashing off, cause you know you made a mistake...and lost the girl of your life?
so you treat my pain by forgetting all about me
that's not what i had in mind

So this is love?
I never thought it would feel like this
wanting him, but knowing he see's the other girls
and I'm the invisible one.
we had something, something real
but you let go of our chances
now here am i beaten down. and bruised
all because of you
so this is love?

"My heart has never felt this way before,Im looking through your eyes..."


taylor:) said...

did u write all of these???

Jennalee said...

yes i did

Savannah said...

their good. why did you though.

jennalee said...

why did i what?

taylor said...

wow ur AMAZIN.....ive TRIED to write poetry but it never wuks fo me....:'( lol