Friday, November 20, 2009

whats new?

ok so i am sorry i haven't been blogging that much recently. kinda been busy!
so as you know i got the justin bieber C.D. and am loving it. i only have 1 more song to memorize.
i am in love with his song called down to earth! ITS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! omg i love him! haha
he's basically all i can talk about lol! :D
so anyways how has everyone been?
i got the leading solo for our christmas thingy....that means i'm opening the hole thingy. I'm very nervous/excited. it's thanksgiving break yay :)
get to see my family
and stuff my belly with food ha
also whats new is dance i have basically landed my splits yay :D (that is big for me considering i was not flexible one bit) haha.....
but yeah.... :D


TheMickeyBug said...

haha! wow nice! don't worry about it, I'm not flexible ether. ;P haha! I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving!! :D I will probably stuff my tummy with food 2! ;D <3

Savannah said...

haha your blog is cute. You never go on mine any more! Congrats on the solo! :D


Jennalee said...

oh sorry savs. i'll go on right now!

Savannah said...

oh Jennalee your so cute! I like how you post on your blog, you and I are like the only ones :)woot woot!

Jennalee said...

haha i know im proud of myself :)

Taylor=)))) said...

jen ur guna do great oppening the christmas song!!! dont evn worry bot it!!! ive heard u sing and ur voice is GORGEOUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS!!=D ull do great and if u need any support or ur nurvous the day of just tell me ill be there for ya=)<3

Jennalee said...

thanks you!