Sunday, November 15, 2009


So i just watched UP for the first time ever. It was sooooo soooo cute :) it made me smile. I mean and the story line WOW whoever came up with that story is BRILLIANT! 1st of all i love Disney!2nd of all I love Disney Pixar! 3rd of all i love cute story lines. So this was the PERFECT movie for me :D
so cute!
Have you seen it?


Apryll said...

omg i am so mad at you i want to watch that so bad!!!

Jennalee said...

omg u watched 2 movies without me that i wanted to see. haha it was so good. i know your super jealous! ha!

Apryll said...

ok fine we are fare cause i only liked one of the movie i watched without you

Taylor+) said...

i LOVEEEEEEEEEEE that movie ssssooooo much it made me crie, laugh, smile and a lil nurvous!!! lol i LOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE it its awazing lol=)=)=0)

Jennalee said...

haha taylor

TheMickeyBug said...

FOR THE FIRST TIME!? hahaha! omg girly, wasn't it amazing!? <333 I love that movie! "I don't know you, BUT I LOVE YOU!" hahaha!! I luv dug. ;)