Tuesday, October 27, 2009

your turn to tell me what to post.

So i have this idea... all of you who read my blog comment on this and tell me what you are dying to know about me?
it can be any random thing.... personal even (i wont answer if to personal).... something u just want to know.
feel free to comment and ask. and i will make a post all about answering your questions!


emily said...


how about what is your earliest memory?

Nathan said...

post about something interesting!!!! lol

Jennalee said...

yeah but what interesting do u want me to write about nathan?

Stephie said...

Hmmm...... Write about your life!! thats what i would do!! differnt thigns, how your day was, whats exciting and new for you? Or what is your favorite holiday??

Jennalee said...

okie dokie. some other time tho! lol thanks for commenting steph :)

Stephie said...

hahaha!!! your welcome!! =)whats up???