Friday, October 23, 2009

where the wild things are.

I saw this movie a week ago, and ever since have been thinking about it constantly. Even though it is very strange and hard to relate to. I related. The sweetness and harshness towards to little boy, every minute life changes for him! he will be the ignored child....the king...the heart broken....the boy who try's, but can never do right....the boy that's loved....the boy that's hated. all so confusing for this little boy, and yet he is so complete and fine with himself. where the wild things are definitely is a movie worth watching.


Nathan said...

i haven't seen that movie yet. i don't really want to though. is it good???

Jennalee said...

why don't you want to?
and yes it's really good!

Nathan said...

it looks really weird with the hairy guy

Jennalee said...

who cares if it's weird!
Life is crazy weird.
It has a really good message, and it's really good!

Nathan said...

well i don'[t want to spend my money on a bad movie.

Apryll said...

nathan it is a very weird movie but it is really good!

jennalee i like your blog!

Jennalee said...

thanks apryll i like it to :)

Apryll said...

yeah it was a bit scary lol.

Nathan said...

how was it scary???

Jennalee said...

it had some parts that were scary. but im not gonna tell u the scary'll just half to watch the movie!

Apryll said...

i know i am a dork for thinking it was scary! =)

Nathan said...

i'm not watching it.

LaUReN said...

my friend said it was the worst movie ever. btw, this is lauren from the dinner on saturday.

Jennalee said...

haha well it is a message for older poeple. kinda around high school level or so. very complicated hidden meaning. and nathan shut up!

Stephie said...


Stephie said...

My brohter Joey loved the book!! haha!! =P it was a really cute book when i was a kid!!!!

Jennalee said...

yeah u gotta see it steph!